047. awsten

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Dear fucking whoever is even reading this,

Fuck you, father. Fuck you, mother. Fuck you priests inside this Catholic boarding school, who can't let me stay due to my failing performance.

My dad visited today, and he told me I'd be leaving tomorrow. He explained that I'd go to a public school in Houston, where his new house was located in. I'd never thought I'd go back to that fucking city, but here I am, packing up my belongings and crying into one of Geoff's Sex Pistols t-shirts.

Today was my last day with Geoff. I should've told him. I should've told him I would be gone by tomorrow morning. He'll be devastated, heartbroken, angry at me. He won't love me anymore.

But a piece of me knows I don't deserve someone as amazing and gorgeous as Geoff Wigington to love me.

If you ever read this, Geoff, I'm setting you free. Because if you love something,

You let it go, right God?


The Confessional// gawsten ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt