05. awsten

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Dear God or whatever your name is,

There is no update to be had on Natalia, as she hasn't spoken to me since I tried to hold her hand in physics class. I guess she's broken up with me.

I'm not even upset about it, as I've been messing around with the acoustic guitar in Geoff's dorm and getting better at playing.

Geoff is so patient with me, even when I'm threatening to smash the damn thing into the floorboards when I mess up a chord. He just smiles and slings an arm around my shoulder, telling me to try again as his fingers rest on top of mine.

Otto's good at drums too, like REALLY good, but he hasn't tested the drum kit out since we last got in trouble. He's a sweet guy, so he's a little too scared to be caught again.

I told Geoff I was coming over again, this time bringing Otto along. Geoff said something about sneaking out to the band room again tonight, and I'm really excited. Let's just hope we don't get caught this time.

By the way, sorry for the sin I'm about to commit.


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