016. geoff

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Dear God,

Alcohol was just what I needed, thanks for coming through. Awsten just left and I already miss him. I can't exactly remember anything I said to him but I'm sure if I said anything stupid he won't remember and neither will I.

He's so God damn pretty. The more we drank the more sparkly his eyes became. It also in turn caused him to giggle a lot more, which made me smile. It felt good to smile, I missed that. He laid in bed next to me. To him it wasn't anything, but for me it was hard not to roll over and pull him close to me. Oh how badly I wasn't to kiss him.

I hope he has more alcohol because I wanna do this again. I don't know how much I drank but what I do know is that I don't feel sad. I feel more so numb which is a lot better.

Let's hope I don't get caught super hung over tomorrow. Sorry for being such a sinner, I guess it's just who I am.


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