030. geoff

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Dear God,

what have I done? Otto told me Awsten hasn't left his room in days. I can't wrap my mind around anything I could have possibly done.

I've been sitting at my desk in my dorm room for hours trying to evaluate everything that's happened in the past few weeks that could have caused a change in Awsten. Everything I'm coming up with concludes to me.

Is it my lack of being around? Is it Joey? Maybe I should go visit aws at his dorm later, or would that make things worse? I can't help but feel guilt pool in my stomach. Awsten never stays cooped up in his room, he always loves going on little adventures even if it's to the vending machine down the hall.

It's decided, I'm going to see him later. He will probably slam the door in my face or not even answer, but I need to know what's going on. I won't be able to live with myself if I don't find out. Please let him open up to me, he still feels like such a mystery, I'm sure for how much I've been gone I'm starting to feel that way to him as well.

I long for Awsten Knight and all I've been doing is trying to push it away and made it disappear. Maybe that's the complete opposite of what I'm supposed to do. Sorry Awsten for being such a dick, and sorry Joey for the stupid things I'm probably about to do.


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