032. geoff

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Dear God,

I've majorly fucked up. Awsten didn't even answer the door and I can hear his soft sobs coming from inside. All I want to do is hold him close to me.

I've been such a dick towards him all because I was scared of my feelings.

Now it's 1 am and I'm sitting outside his door hoping maybe he'll open up. I've tried slipping notes under the door but they never move from their spot.

This is all my fault.

I never thought I would be the cause of Awsten Knights sadness. I always believed I would be the one to bring a smile to his face, the one to make him is happiest and most radiant. Dammit Awsten please open this God forsaken door.

I'm not leaving until I know he's okay, which I may never find out. I will stay up all night if I have to, fuck that, I would stay up the rest of my life for him. I've said this before and I will say it a million times over, I would do anything for Awsten. I would take a God damn bullet straight to the heart for him. But that's just it isn't it? A bullet to the heart. I spend all my time protecting this boy when it turns out I'm the one to hurt him.

My eyes keep wavering between open and closed, I don't know how much longer I can stay awake. If there's one last thing I get to write before I fall asleep on this cold tiled floor I would be that...

I love Awsten Knight.


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