013. awsten

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Dear whoever the fuck is even reading this by now,

It's been a week since Otto and I snuck out, and it's now the first time I've seen Geoff since.

I asked him if everything was okay, and all I got in response was that signature Geoff smile and a nod. Even though I didn't buy it, I decided not to push him.

Whenever I asked Geoff if I could come practice his guitar, he was somewhat hesitant, almost as if he didn't want me in his room. But finally he agreed and told me he'd leave his dorm room unlocked.

I'm planning on bringing in some of the alcohol I snuck back in from Otto and I's little adventure, just a little something to lighten up Geoff's waning spirit. I hope everything goes well and that we have some fun.

Lord, forgive me for the sins I'm going to create tonight.


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