044. geoff

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I paced around my dorm making sure everything little thing was put in exactly the right place. I didn't know why I was trying to make everything so tidy, it was just Awsten coming over, but why did I feel like tonight was going to be different? A weird feeling had been stirring in my stomach all day, almost making me naucious.

A soft knock echoed through the room making me jump. I quickly brushed my fingers through my hair and opened the door. "Hey." Awsten said with a bright smile. His hands were tucked oddly inside of his pockets, and his brunette hair flopped adorably over his dual-toned eyes.

Right upon entering, he flopped himself down onto my bed causing a soft giggle to emanate from his lips. I smiled and sat down next to him, his head immediately moving to rest in my lap.

"I need your opinion on something." Awsten's voice was hushed, almost as if he was scared someone might've heard. "I've been writing songs lately...and I want to sing you some, but I'm not good at singing and I feel so bad. I'm sorry I shouldn't have even brought it up I-"

I don't know what came over me, but the next thing I knew, my lips had collided with his. It wasn't long before I noticed he wasn't kissing back. I Immediately pulled away and stood up from the bed. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me it's just kind of happened and..."

A soft grip was on my wrist and when I turned around Awsten was face to face with me, our lips merely touching. "I never thought I'd even have a first kiss." His eyes turned down towards the floor and back up at me.

I gently brushed away the stray hairs that had fallen into his eyes. "I'll be sure to make it special"

Without another exchange of words, he pressed his lips against my own, softly and timidly. His arms slowly wrapped around my neck as my hands fell to his waist. I could feel his heart beat rapidly within his chest making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

He slowly pulled away and rested his head against my chest. I could feel a smile come over his now reddened lips. "So... about that song?" We both erupted in laughter and I held him closer.

I never wanted this moment to end.

The Confessional// gawsten ✓Where stories live. Discover now