07. awsten

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Dear God,

Somehow last night you made me believe you truly exist.

We actually sounded pretty good, even though I'm really really terrible compared to Geoff. We messed around, played some random chords, and Geoff even taught me a solo for a Sex Pistols song.

It really took my mind of off the stress with Natalia, who someone magically reappeared and begged me back. She promised me that she would be more open with me and let me hold her hand whenever I wanted.

Geoff told me not to accept the offer, but it's really tempting. Natalia is the only girl here at St. Joseph's Catholic Boarding School who is actually pretty and sweet, but she's the only girl who gave me the attention. Otto agreed with Geoff, who said it was pointless to be with her again.

I wish I could dye my hair blue, but the priest here told me I couldn't, that it was a sin to damage the hair You gave me.

Would You let me dye it?


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