011. awsten

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Dear God,

Thank you for allowing me to smash some twenty-one year old blonde in the backseat of her Mercedes-Benz.

I'm still hammered as fuck as I sit inside of this confessional, writing away the sins I've done. The guards only caught us with our window open, so they still have no clue where we went.

Otto can't find Geoff anywhere, and I'm getting a strange feeling deep inside my stomach of worry. I just hope he's okay and not doing something stupid. He's never really open with me, and sometimes I worry he's battling something far more than I know.

I remember Geoff coming to the school last year, never really telling Otto and I why he suddenly appeared out of the blue. I never pushed him on the topic, due to the fact he would get defensive and just shut me out completely.

Please help him, if you're truly fucking real. Make sure he's okay and gets every drop of life he can. Let him marry a pretty girl and have a wonderful family, just like he's always dreamed of. Geoff Wigington, you only deserve the absolute best.

-Drunk Awsten

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