038. geoff

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Dear Lord, I keep slipping notes beneath Awsten's door, and finally after so many hours, he's scribbling some back to me.

Most of them are short little comments or doodles. Every so often I slip and funny jokes under just to hear him laugh.

I don't know when he'll be ready to open up the door but I have a gut feeling it will be soon. It's been about a week that he's been shut in, and a week that I've been sitting on this cold floor. Otto brought food again and I told him to try slipping some fries under the door. Awsten grabbed them up immediately, so he's making some progress. Slowly but surely.

Joey doesnt really come by anymore, mostly because I told him not to. I still see him during mess hall so I'm not completely avoiding him.

Since sitting outside writing in the journal I've been thinking... is Awsten writing anything about me in his? Not that is any of my business, just pure curiosity. Hopefully we have a break through soon.


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