021. awsten

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Whenever the door to Geoff's room peeled open slowly, I stared face to face with the taller boy, my eyebrows knit together angrily. "Finally you open up."

Geoff cracked an uneasy smile. I couldn't tell if he was trying to make me feel better or himself feel better. "Come in." He pushed the door open wider to let me walk through, closing it softly once I was across the threshold.

"Long time no see, huh?" I was extremely bitter as I perched on the end of his bed, arms crossed over my oversized Good Charlotte sweatshirt. "Surprised Joey isn't hanging off of you tonight."

I could see Geoff's jaw tighten slightly as his fingers knotted in his freshly cut hair. "What's that supposed to mean, Aws?"

A small chuckle echoed loudly from my own mouth as I met Geoff's fierce gaze. "I just, I don't know, you seem to be pretty obsessed with him already. Thought he probably lived here or something."

"I understand you're angry, Awsten, but that's no fucking excuse to talk about Joey like that." Geoff began getting defensive, the muscles in his neck and jaw becoming more visible the longer I pushed his buttons.

I was curious to see how far I could push Geoff before his anger bubbled over. It was almost like a game to me, which I admit is a sinful thing to do, but what do I have to lose? "Why can't I talk about Joey like that? Is he you're boyfriend? Is that why you've been avoiding me, Geoff?" I pushed myself to my feet and approached him, keeping a steady lock on Geoff's eyes.

Our chests were practically touching once I was in front of him, smirking slyly and proudly. "Is he a prettier boy than I am?"

Geoff's eyes closed slowly as he breathed through his nose and out of his mouth. "Aws, stop this." Geoff's voice was gruff, either with anger for me or himself. He was holding back, and I could see that from where I stood.

"No Geoff, answer the question! Is Joey a prettier boy than I am?" I taunted slyly as I backed off of Geoff, turning around and walking back to the bed. I sprawled my tiny body across the sheets and glanced over at him, watching as he rubbed his temples with two fingers.

Finally, I heard Geoff begin to speak. "No Aws, he's not." Geoff walked over to the end of the bed and let his weight crash down. He reached below the mattress and pulled out small sample sizes of vodka, holding one out in his hand. "Want some?"

I could tell I had pushed him to the limit. Quickly, I took the small bottle from his hand and downed half of his contents, my vision already beginning to blur from the sheer harshness of the liquid. "Do you...mind if I stay here tonight?" My voice sounded meek. I wanted to make up for what I said and what I did. I didn't mean to make Geoff so upset to the point he drank. A pool of guilt began bubbling in my stomach.

As I watched Geoff finish his bottle, he turned to me with glasses over eyes and a drunk smirk. "I've been waiting for you to ask me that since I got here, Awsten Knight."

The Confessional// gawsten ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt