04. geoff

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Dear our Holy lord and Savior,  

I've had Awsten Knight in my dorm room every night ever since I showed him and otto the instruments in the music room.

He wants me to teach him how to play guitar, I only agreed so that I would actually have time alone with him.  All I can say is when you have someone like Awsten in your presence it's hard not to just stare at him.

He's a true work of art. The way his lip juts out when he's frustrated with playing the wrong chord, the way his face lights up when he actually gets one right, the sparkle in his dual colored eyes, his laugh that's music to my ears...the way I felt when my hand was over his, guiding his fingers along the frets.

Awsten Constantine Knight, what the fuck are you doing to me, and God please help me from doing anything stupid with this boy.  

-Geoff (Who's Really Fucking Gay)

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