035. awsten

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Dear fucker who still lives in the sky,

I got out of bed today, for the first time in weeks. My door remains locked, and I have a pile of disciplinary notes piling up underneath my door. But the headmasters know they can't kick me out, for this is my only place home now.

Geoff is still outside. He won't go, and every now and then I hear a small knock. It's almost as if he's telling me he's still there. I want to open the door, but I can't bring myself to.

I'm too deep inside my own head, and the demons inside are clawing at my sanity and trying to come out again.

Here I am, pressed against the door as sobs shake my body violently. Pushing my fingers underneath the door, I pray to you that I feel something, anything at all.


Update: I'm currently sat on the floor, holding hands with Geoff Wigington underneath the crack of the door.

The Confessional// gawsten ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora