08. geoff

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Dear God,

Is it really a sin to be gay? I mean here I am in a boarding school full of cute guys, yet I'm told that finding any of them the slightest bit attractive is wrong.

Take Awsten knight for instance. How could this angel of a boy be in my life yet I'm supposed to not have feelings for him? He's the literal epitome of perfection. That's probably why I've liked him since first time I laid eyes on him.

I've always been so intrigued by him. A bright smile paired with saddened looking eyes. It's like every time we make contact it sends an electric shock through my whole body and makes my heart stop. God how much I wish I could hold his small fragile frame against mine.

I think I've come to the conclusion that I would do anything for him. A boy I will never have, who's face I can never seem to get out of my mind. Awsten Constantine Knight you have fucked me up so bad and you don't even know it...


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