036. geoff

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Dear God,

Maybe you are truly real, because as I sit here writing to you, my fingers are intertwined with Awsten's underneath the doorway.

Occasionally I will whisper nothingness to possibly try and get a response. I never do and that's okay, I don't want to pressure him in any way.

I rarely go to class so I can stay with Awsten since I know he's not going to leave. I'm sure they would have threatened to kick me out by now if they hadnt known about what went on in my home life. I wonder what Awsten's home life was like. There's so much I still don't know...

I debating whether or not to slip another note to Awsten under the door, I don't even know if he's read the other ones I tried to give him. I wouldn't even know what to say. Please give him strength.


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