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I woke up to everyone except for Johnny Dally and Ponyboy having a beer. I walked up to Two bit and pecked him on the cheek. "Beer for breakfast Two bit?" I giggled as he just smiled. "Anyone know where Dall is?" They all looked up towards the stairs Then I heard yelling upstairs in our bedroom. "Got it" I said walking over to get a seat. We were listening to the yelling because it was pretty clear of what they were saying.
"Come on babe it wasn't her fault this is her room too. She didn't know!"
"Well she is an obnoxious little brat. She always plays innocent and I've given her a chance! It's like you have to be by her side 24/7 like a little service dog or something and it's annoying and getting on my nerves! You know what else is what I hated! Her trying to kill me when Johnny got hurt!"
"What?! Well still I'll talk to her about this but this doesn't mean we have to break up!"
"Oh yes it does! I hate you Winston and your stupid kid sister!" She yelled as she opened the door and started running down the stairs angry. I gave her a little wave as she walked out the door with a sarcastic smile. Johnny put his arm around me and just giggled. We then started talking and acted like we didn't know anything. Later on everyone left and it was just me and Dallas. I was picking up the blankets and everything else. Then Dall started walking down the stairs. "Hey Dall you want lunch?" I asked kindly. "Just shut up" I just shrugged it off but he kept going.
"Why the hell would you tackle Delila?!"
"Dall I didnt she slapped me and started talking shit on me and Johnny!"
"Oh ya right like Delila would do that!" He said sarcaticaly.
"Are you seriously calling me a liar?!"
"Ya I am! Your such a kid man! It's like I have to always babysit you. It's like when your around I never get to have time to myself or have fun!" He said with anger in his eyes. What he said hurt a lot. He was the only person that I had and that well cared about me. Or so I thought and now he doesn't even want me."Well fine have some time to yourself get thrown in the cooler whatever I'm outta here." I said calmly getting my stuff. "Fine go ahead! I don't need you! No one does! No wonder Ted didn't want you. You might as well go back home and have it easy again."
"Are you kidding me. I never had it easy! Did you know about him beating me? Did you know how much he made my life a living hell? No you didn't because you NEVER listen!"
"Ay don't start having your little pitty party on me just be-" then I just slammed the door behind me and just ran. I didn't know where I was going. I just day dreamed about what had happened and  me as a kid with Dall.

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