Hanging out

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The next day I woke up extra early and got the whole gang up. Dally then finally got up and got to the water. It was so cold he still went in cuz he wanted to stick to the deal. the first time he fell over and again the second and third time but finally the fourth one he caught a really good wave it was amazing I could not believe that was my brother. He stood up and put his hand through the wave. Everyone was shocked. Where did he learn that. It was fun staying at the beach. we got to stay there for a week but today we started packing up and heading back I actually missed Tulsa a little. We got back late Wednesday night and we were all tired. The next morning Darry was up cooking breakfast. After eating sandwiches for breakfast for a week you will start thinking that something you hate is the best thing in the world. "Morning Katy bear"
"Morning Darry." I said as he served me breakfast. Today was just catch-up day. Steve and Two went to there houses and started cleaning up even though I doubt two bit is actually cleaning, Dally and me just stayed at the Curtis house and helped out a little. I helped Soda and Ponyboy with the Pillow fight and making there room a mess but then I helped them pick up there room. It took us about 2 hours to clean the whole house but then we played football. I was a better quarter back then Steve but then we had Two bit be the quarter back because he kept bugging us about him wanting to be it. But I was still good with tackling people especially Steve. I almost got him to sprain his ankel it was kinda funny. We then went back home watched movies and I just cuddled with Two bit. "Hey Katie bear?"
"Tomorrow wanna go to the Dingo?"
"Sure Two sure." I said not taking my eyes off the screen.

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