Dally Angry

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Katelyn POV

"What the hell Katelyn what are you thinking oh right your not!" Dall scolded.
"Yes I was Dall. You can't keep deciding things for me dammit!"
"Hey you better watch it he is too old for you!"
"By only 2 years!"
"Either way your too young"
"I'm 15. And it's Two bit u know him"
Then of course Steve spoke and made things worse. "Wait so the other night you guys used protection right?"
Soda tried his best not to laugh but Dally eyes went wide eyed and I just rolled them. "Katelyn!"
"I didn't I swear. That's just gross!"
"So your not going to have kids?" Steve asked trying to be confused the boys tried so hard not to laugh.
"OMG I'm gonna kill u when this is over Steve! And I slept on the couch and we just started dating this morning."
"When we're you gonna tell us?!"
"Tonight when we were all together."
"....I can't believe this, this- this is such Bullshit!...." He just sat there thinking for a minute pissed but deep down he knew he couldn't control me.
"Fine but I swear to God if you get her pre-"
"Trust me you don't have to worry about that" I smiled. He just hugged me and messed up my hair. I then went to tackle Steve and put Steve in a head lock then Sodapop and Ponyboy tickled me and Steve flipped me and pinned me. That night we sat by the fire and shared stories and me and Johnny stayed up late and we talked and got to know each other real well. I slept with Two bit
Johnny and Ponyboy
Steve and Sodapop
Darry and Dally and man they fought all night about the blanket and everything else they could it was hilarious.

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