Chapter 37- Beginning to understand

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"Ichigo" Allison cried," I need your help...".

Ichigo was frozen in his place at the sight of Allison. She was the last person he'd expected to see.The shock began to wear off and anger took its place.

"What makes you think I'm willing to help you!" Ichigo spat. His harsh words cutting into Allison like a knife through butter.

Grimmjow watched what was unfolding from the other side of the room. A look and feeling of despair clouding his judgment. As he watched the harsh words leave Ichigos previous soft but now sharp tongued mouth. Grimmjow didn't like how bitter he had turned and so quickly almost as if someone had flicked a mental switch, that is his temper.

"Please ichigo, if you won't do it for me do it for Shiro." Allison begged, tears welling in her eyes.

Ichigo was clearly angry that she had brought up his brothers condition because he insisted went to slam the door in her face. The rushed sound of footsteps drew nearer to the door and a hand quickly grabbed the door in mid swing. Pulling it up grimmjow now stood before Allison and he was topless.

"God damn it ichigo let her talk, this concerns your brother you could at least act like you care." Grimmjow shouted putting Ichigo in his place.

"You think I don't care. My brother and I might not be best friends but he's still my brother and honestly I'm scared he won't fully recover and it's all her fault!" Ichigo shouted as he pointed and accusing finger at Allison.

Allison sunk a little further where she stood, she wasn't denying that it was indeed her fault but right now she wanted to make up for her mistakes.

"I don't give a damn what she might have to say, but if you wanna waist your time then go ahead, but it will be without me!" Ichigo spoke with venom in his voice. He turned and walked over to the other side of the room.

"Allison come in out of the rain" he heard grimmjow say. Ichigo growled before storming upstairs, leaving Allison and grimmjow in the living room to talk.

"He really hates me doesn't he." Allison asked as she looked down at the floor.

"He just need time. Do you want a drink?" He he asked with a surprisingly soft tone.

"Uh water please." She requested. She heard grimmjow walk into the kitchen so Looking up fallowing him with her eyes she saw that grimmjow was reaching up to the glass cups, suddenly she noticed he was toppless she had somehow forgotten. Distracted by Ichigos harsh words.

"Uh grimmjow I don't mean to prey but where's your shirt?"

"I was raining when I got here, I was socked to the bone much like you are now." He thought of a lie so fast he wasn't sure to be proud or horrified at his newfound skill.

Running the cold tap he stuck the glass under it until it was nearly full. He pulled the glass away from the tap before the water had stopped resulting in water running down the side of the glass and allover his hand. He toluene son the spot and gestured toward the table. Allison sat down and waited patiently for grimmjow, she couldn't believe how chill he was about not wearing a shirt and with it still being so cold.

Grimmjow placed the glass on the table and sat down next to her.

"Thanks." She smiled small at him while taking a small sip

Opposites | bleach fanfiction | Ichigo and Shiro twinsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora