Chapter 3 - just a game

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Allison was still stunned. She had headed to the toilet to see what Shiro had done to her.
She gazed into the mirror. Her face seemed drained, pail and cold. Allison went to touch the cut on her lip but flinched as someone came into the bathroom and looked at her like she was a weirdo before walking into one of the cubicles and locking the door behind her.

Allison just stood there inspecting the wound Shiro had inflicted. The cut was on her bottom left corner of her lip. Exactly where Shiros was. It was like he made me mirror him to send a message. But what was the message I don't understand, was is it to state that he can hurt anyone in anyway and no one can stop him because that was the message I was getting from all of this.
Allison realised that although the blood was gone, thanks to shiro, but she still had to clean the wound and she had know idea where medical was. And I bet shiro knew that she didn't know either making it even easier to getaway with it.

Allison took a deep breath before touching the cut. She immediately took the pressure of as the pain burned. It stung so bad, but Allison was more concerned at whether anyone would notice. She couldn't exactly put makeup on it, it would only make it worse.

The girl that was in the cubical came out and just stood there looking at Allison in the same fashion she had done before. Everything was starting to annoy Allison making her smack her hand on the sink basin while shouting at the girl " WHAT" the girl said nothing just hurried out the bathroom. She heard the girl run into a boy as she opend the bathroom door.
" wow, what the hell... Look where your going will ya" said a male voice but Allison recognised it. It was Mizuiros friend with bright red hair, the one that wolf whistled this morning.

The bell had already gone and Allison didn't want to draw any attention to her self.especially with this bite. That's exactly what shiro would want. And she wasn't prepared to play into his hands. She refused.

Once Allison couldn't hear anyone outside the bathroom she made a break for it.
She had walked to her lesson. On the way to her lesson she walked past a class that had a wall of windows going down the hall. As Allison walked down the corridor she looked inside, but once she had she wished she hadn't. Because the second she looked inside her eyes locked with a certain albino.'SHIRO!!!' she thought to herself, she hadn't quite got over the whole break incident. Shiro looked her dead in the eye she was unable to look away. Shiro licked his cut on his lip. It was like he was trying to send her a message. He was tormenting her, there was know way she's going to be able to forget that incident so easily anymore. I mean it was hard to start with but now it was near impossible.

" shiro eyes to the front please" said Shiros teacher
" yes miss, just saying hi to a friend"
" well you can say hi to your friend at lunch can't you"
"Yes miss, I'll talk to her later... When I find her"

Allison knew he wasn't lying after all the last time he said he would find her he did and she got bitten. What could he possibly want now. Allison was still looking at shiro. He had slouched back in his chair. His grin growing wider almost as if he could read her mind almost as if he knew how much this was tormenting her inside.

Allison couldn't take it she forced herself to look away and keep walking but she knew she would probably regret it. She knew that shiro would probably hold it against her.

Allison continued walking down the corridor until she came across a room with the room number that matched he time table. This must have been the room.Surprisingly the teacher wasn't there and people where still arriving to class so Allison wasn't late if anything she was early. Allison didn't know who was going to be in her class. To be honest she didn't even know what this lesson was about.

" Allison there you are... We were looking for you at break, did you spend it alone?"Came the friendly voice of Mizuiro.
"No" Allison said not even looking up at Mizuiro. She didn't want him to see her lip
" who did you spend it with then ?"
"Shiro" Allison looked at Mizuiro she looked a bit shaken up.
' there's something you're not telling me... But what is it?' Mizuiro thought to himself.
" hey what happened to your lip?"
Allison looked away from him and put her hand over it.
" fine don't tell me"
Ichigo walked into the room and sat the other side of Allison which was his normal place.
" why are you holding your face you walk into a door or something?" Ichigo questioned her.
" no I'm fine, this is just how I sit" Allison said while shining a smile at ichigo.
Mizuiro when to tell ichigo the truth but stopped when his eyes met with Allison glaring eyes that just said ' don't you dare' Mizuiro immediately backed down.

The teacher finally arrived and apologised for being late. It wasn't long before the lesson was in full swing. Everyone was working extremely hard including Allison even though it is her first day, but Ichigo carefully watched Allison. She seemed to be on edge but he wasn't sure if it was because he was starting at her or because something had happened.

The teacher announced that everyone could work in groups of three so ichigo and Mizuiro joined with Allison. They had to make a poster about history and why it's important we remember it. Allison is a very creative person but she just didn't feel up to it she had, had such a day of it.

" so I take it you got to school alright...?"
"Uh yeah thanks..."
" how you finding it"
" uh I can't think of what to write or say" Allison said while sorting out the poster.
" I mean about the school"
" I know what you meant and the answer is the same."
That seemed to shut ichigo and Mizuiro up.

" right everyone lunch time pack up"
" wait what?... We didn't change lesson!"
" it was a double lesson... One lesson in the space of two, it makes the day feel as if it goes faster"
" oh!"
" hey Allison why don't you come and eat with us"
" is that alright" Allison asked a bit nervously. She just really don't want to be alone especially now that she was on Shiros hit list.
" yeah sure..." Ichigo replied.

Ichigo, Mizuiro and Allison walked out of there class and into the hallway. In the corner of his eye ichigo saw shiro go into the boys toilets so told Mizuiro to take Allison to the roof where there is a playground. That was where they normally eat.

Ichigo left Mizuiro and Allison. He entered the boys toilets to see shiro walkout a cubical and start to wash his hands.
" brother " shiro said while looking in the mirror he sounded pleasantly surprised.
" brother" ichigo said bluntly
" hows the fist?"
" hows the lip?"
" I don't know why don't you ask her" shiro looked at ichigo throw the mirror. He had an evil grin growing across his face.

" what did you do!" Shiro didn't answer so ichigo grabbed him by his cooler as he tourney around and before he knew it shiro was pinned up against the wall.
"TELL ME WHAT YOU DID!!!" Ichigo shouted but he hoped he didn't get the attention of everyone in the halls.

Shiro lent forward and smiled before saying "NO" very slowly.
Ichigo punched shiro in the stomach before letting him go and running out trying to find Allison.
Little did he know that shiro was only inflicting the pain ichigo had cursed him onto Allison and ichigo just punched shiro in the stomach. And shiro was already planing his next move against Allison.

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