Chapter 20- Dont take me back

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Allison phone started to ring. She wanted to see who it was but she feared that it was Shiro and not her brother.

Allison saw the called ID. It was her sister so she answered it.

"Hello?" Allison asked, but there was just silence...

The silence started to worry Allison.
"Hello..." Allison asked again

Still no reply

"A deals a deal Allison..." A voice she recognised said before hanging up..

Allison sat on her bed confused and scared for her sister.

That voice i recognised it... It- I think it was..... Shiro...

Allison heard the front door slam.

Someone was here? What time is it?

Allison lent over to look at her clock to see that it was 4:00.

"What?..." Allison asked herself. How was it 4 already?

"Hey mate, she in her room?" Zak's voice came from downstairs.
"Yeah. I think she's asleep though." Luke answered.
"Not for long... I need to talk to her" Zak spoke before Allison heard him making his way up the stairs.

Zak rushed into her room. " come with me." Zak said sternly.
Allison just nodded and climbed of her bed.

Zak walked into his room and grabbed a rucksack. Allison was standing in her door way. As Zak walked past her he grabbed her upper arm violently and forced her to walk down the stairs.

"Zak... What the hell... Let me go..." Allison begged trying to get out of his tight grip.

Zak didn't say anything, but he looked angry.

"Wow Zak, mate chill..." Luke tried to reason with him.
"Luke I need some time with my sister... Don't follow us..." Zak asked while he still had hold of Allison's arm.
"Ok but what do I tell the others?"
"Tell them Allison and I went for a walk..." Zak explained walking up to the front door and exciting the house. Still dragging Allison by the arm, Zak abruptly stopped making Allison nearly fall to her knees if Zak didn't have hold of her arm she would of hit the floor.

"Zak... I can walk by myself..." Allison screamed at him. Zak pulled Allison closer."if I let you go you'll run... I know what your like Allison, I've known you your whole life" Zak shouted in her face sternly. His grip on her arm getting tighter.

"Zak your hurting me!" Allison cried still trying to get out of her brothers tight grip.
Zak didn't seem to care he was too angry to care...

After a while of being dragged through the streets. Allison felt tired." Zak please stop."
People past them but no one ever tried to help. They saw that she was being taken against her will but all they did was look at them as they walked past.

Zak pulled Allison down a dark alley way in into a clearing. Tall, broken, abandoned buildings stood around them.

Zak stopped abruptly and pulled Allison in front of him so her back hit his chest. He whispered in her ear.

"You recognise it?" Zak asked anger laced in his voice.
"N-no" Allison stuttered
"You sure about that?"
Allison took a longer look at the buildings. Then it hit her, "this is where Shiro took me!" Allison mumbled.
"So your memories coming back. Let's see what ells will come back shall we..." Zak started to drag Allison once more this time to where Shiro took her yesterday.

"No Zak please I don't want to go back in there..."
"If you don't come with me I have no way of finding who drugged you... Can't you see I'm doing this for you. Your my little sister it's my job to help you out. It's my job to protect you from all of this" Zak said waiving his free hand around.

Allison just looked to the floor. He only wanted to help...

"Now are you going to come willingly or am I having to drag you?" Zak asked he was dead serious.

"I'll come..." Allison mumbled.

Zak let of of Allison's arm and she instantly rubbed where he had hold of her. A hand mark was left behind.

"Sorry about that were put some ice on it when we get back..." Zak said looking at the hand mark before walking in the direction of the door. Allison followed him hesitantly.

Zak opened the door and gestured for Allison to follow him into the big rundown building. Much like Shiro had done. Only then did Allison realise how similar Zak and Shiro were... The thought creeped her out so she pushed it to the back of her mind and continued to follow Zak.

Allison noticed the same people as before drinking, doing drugs, fighting and making out. Do this people not go home?... Or is this there home?...

Allison's eyes darted to the door Shiro and her went through to meet gin. Zak noticed Allison stiffen.

"It was in there wasn't it?" Zak asked concern all over his face. Allison just nodded slowly.

Zak grabbed Allisons wrist and stormed over there. He opened the door confidently and walked in with Allison. The door closed by its self with a loud bang drawing gin and everyone else's attention to them.

"Anyone ever tell you it's rued to not knock" gin glared.

"Anyone ever tell you it's rued to drug and Innocent girl?" Zak snapped

"Oh no that's not rued that's plain illegal, besides she couldn't of been to innocence if she was with him." Gin pointed to Shiro who was being restrained against the wall by Shūhei.

Allison's eyes widened she didn't notice Shiro while she was dragged into the room.

"Allison what the hell are you doing here?" Shiro shouted he seemed very angry. He tried to get away from the wall and Shūhei but he just couldn't. Shūhei started laughing along with Gin.

"What's so funny?" Zak snapped.

Shiro closed his eyes breathily, he knew what they found so funny and it worried him to see what would happen next.

"You want to know what's so funny?... Moments before you arrived, Shiro did... He came in shouting and swearing. He said that Shūhei and I had drugged the girl he was with... Shūhei and Shiro had a fight and just when Shūhei pins Shiro to the wall you brought that very same girl back to us... You honestly think that Shūhei will be satisfied by just beating Shiro up... Your wrong... You really shouldn't of brought her..." Gin laughed evilly.

Zak's eyes widened at the fret.

Zak suddenly become defenceless when he was grabbed from behind.

"Take him to the basement, leave Shiro and the girl here... We're going to have some fun..." Gin said his grin became wild.

Allison went to help her brother but was held back by some one.

"Ggio make sure she can't run" Gin ordered
"It would be my pleasure..." The man who had hold of Allison said turning her around to face him. He had black hair and yellow eyes and a smirk that just made him look unpredictable.

Zak was dragged away kicking but he couldn't get out of this persons tight grip. He started to think maybe this was karma, after all he did drag his sister halfway across town...

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