Chapter 33- the truth and nothing but the truth.

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Sat in the questioning room Allison felt the most nervous she had ever felt.

Allison was sat in the room completely alone. She could see a camera in the corner of the room above the door. Next to the door there was a mirror, but Allison knew it was a two way mirror, she'd watched too many crime shows, she knew how it worked.

Allison was sat in the middle of the room at a black, cold, metal table. The chilling feeling only making her more on edge. Opposite her were two chairs.

She was brought out of her thoughts when two men walked into the room.

"Hello miss, we're here to interview you about what happened the other night. Please speak freely. Is it ok if I record this." He said as he put a voice recording down on the table.

"Yes." Allison answered.

She heard the click of the recorder being turned on.

"Where is my brother?" Allison asked worried, she hadn't seen him for hours and was starting to think he left her there.

"He's in another room being questioned." The man answered honestly.

"What, why?" Allison asked confused.

"We need to make sure we don't miss anything." The man explained," can you please start at the beginning."

Allison nodded before starting," I was coming back from visiting a friend in hospital-"

"Who is this friend, why were they in hospital?" The man interrupted.

"Uh, Shiro kurosaki."

"Ah shiro, were very familia with that young man here at the station, this might also explain as to why you were targeted, he's not exactly the safest of company. Shiro is also one of the boys that were stabbed I believe the other boy stabbed 'Luke' has been living in your house, I have reason to believe that who ever stabbed the boys could of also attacked you."

This didn't make Allison feel any better as she knew the stabbing had nothing to do with her being attacked, it was just impeccable timing.

"Please continued" the man asked.

"I was walking home from the other side of the town, I'm new to the area I didn't really know where I was going. I thought I saw a short cut but I was attacked and knocked out before I didn't make it to the end of the alleyway." She explained honestly.

"Can you tell me how you got home."

"A class mate found me and helped me home."

"A class mate, what was there name?" The officer asked intrigued.

"Grimmjow jaegerjaquez."

"Really?, he's also close friends with Shiro, partner in crime to be exact. Have you perhaps noticed shiro and grimmjow arguing?"


"Well it's not unheard of for a seemingly best friend to suddenly turn especially when these two individuals are extremely violent and dangerous people." The officer explained his reasoning.

"N-no I haven't seen them arguing." Allison stuttered, she couldn't believe they thought grimmjow was the one that did it," grimmjow wouldn't do it." She stated.

"You don't think he would attack anyone?, he's done it before what's to say he wasn't your attacker!"

"But he found me, he helped me!" Allison tried to stand up for him.

"What if he already knew you were there because he was the one that attacked you!" The man started to shout.

"STOP IT!" Allison cried as she hit her hand against the table she couldn't bare to think what if grimmjow had attacked her. He helped her, he wouldn't do that, would he?

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