Chapter 25- out of the kindness of my black heart

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Shiros lips on Allison's body were driving her insane. The sensation felt so right but. It was so wrong, it was Shiro!, the guy who's hurt her more than anyone. Not only did he bring back bad memories, he created some!... Shiro moved down to Allison's stomach and sunk his teeth into her. The sudden rush of pain coursed Allison to wake up. Her hand fell to her bite. Even though the slightest touch hurt it was a sense of relief to know that the wound had not been reopened.

Allison sat up. She was breathing uncontrollably. It was just a dream. Allison looked around, the room was pitch black she could barely see anything. The mood light shon through the window and reflected on Ichigos face showing Allison that he was asleep. He looked so peaceful.

Even with the size of Ichigos room there still wasn't much space to sleep. Not with Rukia constantly fidgeting. Yes she was the smallest, but somehow she took up the most space.

Rukia kept stretching to the point that she was now laying on top of Allison. Like Allison wasn't finding it hard to sleep already.

Allison had, had enough. She pushed Rukia off of her and climbed out from the makeshift bed. She headed for the door and quietly opened it before exciting the room and closing the door behind her. Allison was now in the cold dark hallway with only a large window by the stairs to light up the hallway with moon light. Allison was still waring all her clothes but her shoes, socks and hoodie. Making the room feel chilly.

Allison slowly headed to the window and sat on the window ledge looking out into the street. It looked so calm, peaceful and cold outside. The moonlight reflected in small and large puddles making the street look as if it was a sky of stars. It was beautiful. Allison wondered when it had rained and weather her brother though she was out in that. Allison sighed at the thought and her breath became a small cloud.

Allison put her feet up on the ledge and she sat there looking out the window with her knees to her chest trying to stay warm.

Allison's attention was drawn from the window as she heard someone coming up the stairs. Allison looked up at the person as he walked up the stairs. He was carrying two very full glasses of water. The guy tripped slightly as he got to the top step and tipped some water over Allison. She gasped and looked at the guy she looked just as shocked." Sorry about that!" He said as he walked past her and went into one of the rooms. He didn't even look at her. Almost thirty seconds later a girl came up the stairs she looked very drunk. She also didn't notice Allison sat by the window. The girl stumbled across the hall to the bathroom.

Silents fell again and Allison went back to looking out the window.

Allison could feel herself falling asleep. Her arm rest against the pain of glass sending a shiver through her body as it was so cold.

Allison heard a door open but she felt as if here eyes were too heavy to open. She felt cold and weak.

Allison heard someone muttering about someone being in the bathroom. The door squeaked open and the girl went back downstairs allowing the person who was muttering to go to the toilet. The door shut and clicked as it locked.

Allison rest her forehead on the pain of glass. She was already so cold she could barley feel the difference she'd become numb to the cold.

Allison heard the sound of the door unlocking and it creaked as it swing open. She heard foot steps. They were gradely getting closer. The floor boards creaked as the person came closer.

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