Chapter 22- Grounded

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This chapter is dedicated to kiaralucy as it is her birthday today.
WARNING this chapter contains Grimmichi if you don't like don't read.

"Luke..." There she said it. She felt as if she wanted to cry but she tried her best to hold it in.

Allison looked up at gin his grin made the pain in her chest tighten. But what is this pain she's feeling.

"Get out!" Gins cold words filled the room.

Allison didn't have to be told twice but once she got to the door she stopped and turned to face Shiro, he just smiled lightly.

Shūhe noticed and took it upon himself to punish Shiro. Shūhe grabbed Shiro by the scruff of he's neck and pulled him closer before head butting him and throwing him back down onto the sofa.

Allison covers her face out of shock as she watched Shūhe beat Shiro.

Zak pulled Allison away from the door desperate to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Allison trying to fight her way back into the building to help Shiro but Zak and Luke's grip on her was too tight.

"I have to help him!" Allison cried.

"Allison we need to leave now or we'll never leave!" Zak shouted at Allison making her cower.

Zak grabbed Allison by both her wrists and looked her deep in the eyes.

"Allison he's been here before he can handle himself. He'll be fine!, now move." Zak shouted in Allison's face before dragging her to Luke's car.

Luke unlocked his car. Zak and Luke shoved Allison into the back seat and quickly started the car.

"What the hell were you two thinking?" Luke asked looking at Zak before looking at Allison through the mirror.

"I didn't know that was where Zak was tacking me!" Allison tried to stand up for herself.

"If you hadn't of gone with that boy then I would of never taken you there!" Zak shouted

"THAT BOY HAS A NAME!" Allison shouted back

"Go on what's his name, so I can inform the police about what he's done to you!" Zak shouted back he was getting angrier and angrier.

That shut Allison up pretty quickly. Zak was right, Shiro had hurt Allison a lot but she still didn't feel right hurting him even if it was karma. It just didn't feel right.

Once every had got in the car and put there seatbelt son Luke started to speed of.

"Luke slow down" Allison begged.

"Why, to give them time to change there mind and come after us!" Luke argued back.

Allison just put her head in her hands. And sat there in silence.

"Allison" Zak spoke up to get her attention,"your grounded."


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