Chapter 1 - first day

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Dear Diary,
I know I haven't written to you for a long time, but that's because Mum died...she was the one that wanted me to continue writing in my diary, she always used to say so. Memories are priceless, never lose them. But these memories are painful and all I want to do is forget...

"Hey sweetheart, are you up?. You need to get a move on, you don't want to be late on your first day," her father called up the stairs.
He was wrong, I wanted to be late. So late that it meant I didn't have to attend.

Yep, you heard right. I've moved school. I've moved everything. My whole life is broken and has been turned upside down. I can't fix this. I wouldn't know where to start...

" Allison, you up?" Her father was now starting to get impatient as she didn't reply.
"ALLISON! Just answer him." Came a strong voice from next door followed by three heavy taps on the wall.

"Uh..." Allison groaned under her breath before answering her father as instructed to do so by her older brother Zak. "Yeah, I'm up."
"And why didn't you answer me the first time, young lady," as usual, he didn't give me time to answer before continuing his morning rant, "and why did it take Zak to tell you for you to actually answer me."
"No, you're not, your generation say that word too much, it's lost its meaning."

Yep, this was a normal morning conversation without mum. It's almost like dad is taking it out on us. Or on me at least, I think it's partly because I look so much like mum. I'm a constant reminder of what happened to his beloved wife. He just can't handle it, having to look after three teens and one whining child. I think I would be cranky in the mornings too given our current condition. We're still living out of boxes and we've lived in this new house in Karakura town for three weeks today. Thank god most of the house was done up before we moved. There's not that much we need to sort out anymore.

"Tom, where have you gone, you were down two seconds ago. Uh, if that kid has gone back to bed again I swear to god I'll kill him"
Dad ran up the stairs and into Tom's room sure enough there he was laying in bed in his school uniform.
" TOM," Dad yelled making Tom fall out of the other side of his bed between the wall and his bed. Tom's father grabbed his sleeve and pulled him out from in between his bed and the wall. His face was all scrunched up. "Get down stairs and eat your breakfast now. And if you stay like that for too long, you'll stay like it. Now move and get that ridiculous expression off your face."

Allison started to laugh making her father stand at her door. "When I say hurry up and get downstairs I mean all of you, you hear me Zak?" Their father said, tapping on Zak's bedroom door.
"Yeah, I heard," was all Zak said.
"Good, now hurry and get downstairs. I can't take you to school today because I'm running late for work"
"But Dad, it's our first day!" Allison protested.
"Sorry sweetheart, but I don't make the rules."
"No, you just obey them blindly," she said angrily.
"That's it. I've had enough with everyone's attitude lately. You're grounded."
"Fine. I don't go anywhere anyway."
"Alright then...then you're outed."
"You can't come home until 5:00."
"Really Dad, it's my first day at school."
"I don't care, it starts tomorrow." Allison's dad said, ushering Tom down stairs. "Allison get down stairs in the next three minutes or your outing starts today. Got it?" Her father called up the stairs.
"Yeah." Allison rummaged through her draws finding her underwear then proceeded to get changed.
"Allison you have one minute to get down here." Her father showed while looking at his watch.
Allison grabbed her stuff and ran down the stairs before throwing her stuff onto the sofa in front of her father " happy" she said sarcastically before going to get breakfast.
Her father just stood there unamused " two weeks"
" sorry what"
He just responded with a " pardon"
" pardon"
" your outed for two weeks now, not one"
Her father just raised an eyebrow as if to say ' pardon'

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