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I tried my hardest to get to Makenna and her mom. We all did. No one could believe that it happened. I can't even imagine how Makenna feels right now.

After she left the demons grew scared, so scared that some started retreating back. After that the adults pretty much handled the rest of them. Jamie's mother returned back and took over for Belle. Lacey left after her dad realized it was a losing fight. Jamie's mom took her dad someplace and that was the end of that. The only thing is we don't know where Makenna went.

"I don't know, I can't get ahold of her," Belle said pacing back and forth. "You don't think anything happened to her do you," she asked dad.

"No. I'm trying too, let's just try to stay somewhat positive." Dad turned to all of us. "Does any one of you know where she might have gone?"

We all shook our heads because we didn't. We were all still in too much shock to think. At least I know I was. But I may know where she went. But I'm only guessing.

I excused myself and tried placing her location. I went back to the little look out hill she took me. Sure enough she was there. She was looking out at the city covered with blood and dirt. She looked a mess, but I'm sure she knew. Her knees were pulled to her chest while she cried softly.

"Hey," I said softly.

Makenna jerked up still holding her mom's sword at me. The burning amber hasn't faded yet from her eyes. She was still scared and shaking from everything.

"We've been looking for you," I told her.

She sniffed sitting back down on the ground hard. "I couldn't stay there anymore."

I sat next to her, letting her get it all out. She cried and cried. I'm not sure if she ran out of tears or if she just relaxed enough so that she wouldn't make herself sick. I put an arm around her bringing her closer. She needed to go back, but if I did it while she's still in this state than I'm dead.

"She told me something like this would happen one day. I just didn't want that day to be now," Makenna whispered. "She said people like us don't stay long. She out lived her mother by some years. She hoped I'd do the same. I just can't believe she's gone... We were going to work things out."

Makenna cried again softly against my chest and I really didn't know what to do. Surprisingly I'm not good with mourning. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing right now.


"I know," she cut me off. "We have to go back. I just need a few more minutes."

I nodded, waiting for her to be ready. When she was ready, I took us back. Belle was relieved and brought her into a hug. Then they both started crying again.

"I'm so sorry, Makenna," Belle told her lowly. "I tried my best to save her or bring her back-"

"It's okay. She wouldn't want to be brought back. I know everyone tried their hardest and I really appreciate that. Right now I need a shower and need to think about what's next to come for me and Luana."

"We'll all help with that. Whatever you need or want we can do for you. I'm nothing but a whisper away," Belle assured her. "And everyone else can be there in 2 seconds."

Makenna smiled hugging her one last time before heading up to take a shower. We discussed how we could help and make sure she'll be okay for the rest their life. They thought since she's bonded to me, because of course Belle told everyone, that Makenna should be okay for a long time.

It's been some time since Raelyn's death. We held a nice funeral the next day. Makenna has been doing okay although sometimes she'll still have her moments and cry. Right now I think she's more focused on making sure Luana grows up with a good life.

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