
So I didn't know whatsoever that Noah knew Belle. Let alone be in the family. Speaking of family I've never met them before. You would think after being friends for all these years I would, but only his mom. And she doesn't like me much.

His dad looks just like him and also slightly familiar but I'm not sure from where. The other two adults were something different. The others though, they seem like they could be cool people, but that girl I don't know what her deal is.

"I thought I would've had to call you," Dad said making me jump in surprise. He looked at me strangely and moved away some. "Didn't mean to startle you. Is everything alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? All is well in Jamie's world. Just all good here. Nothing is wrong."

"Uh huh, well i needed to talk to you anyway."

I followed him as we went into the family room to sit on the couch. Well I sat and he squatted in front of me kind of in a serious manner.

If he would start it would make everything much much better. At this point it's getting awkward. Now I wish I would've stayed there a little longer.

"I just wanted to apologize about last night. I shouldn't have lost control that way and shouldn't have said those things in front of you."

"Why do you hate her so much?"

He sighed, looking almost pained in the face. "She has taken so much from me. My parents, your mother. Everything. I refuse to let her take you from me as well. I can't bare it if that happens. Bellum is an evil person. She's a demon disguised as an angel and don't ever forget that. Her father is the devil himself. I was forced to follow them like a slave. Because of that I couldn't fight back like how I wanted without a leash holding me back. That's why I loathe her."

I couldn't do anything but look at him. I held my head down, because I didn't know what to tell him. I let him know everything, I'd hate to start lying now or hiding things. Especially something like this.

"Dad.... I saw her again tonight," I said shyly.

He stood up quickly. "You what!"

"I didn't know Noah knew them when I went, I promise. They were all just sitting there by a fire-"

"Where are they?"

I bit my tongue out of fear. He was really angry right now. His eyes have gone all bug-eyed and his fist is clenched at his side.

"I can't-"

"Jamie, tell me where they are," he gritted out.

I told him but not because I wanted to. He grabbed his things and headed out of the door. I ran behind him while he got in his car. I stop in front of the hood refusing to let him leave.

"If you didn't mean to lose control before, please don't now. I'm fine. Nothing has happened. Please. Please stay, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Jamie, get out of the way," he said inching forward.

I shook my head really trying to get to him. "Please. I understand that you don't like her and I'll stay away from Noah if that helps. But please think about what you could possibly do to them."

He back up, swerving past me. "I have ever since your mother died."

He sped away, leaving me there just astonished. I have to call Noah. But what could I possibly tell him? My ex-demon dad is after your demon angel aunt? He doesn't believe in that stuff. I should have never told my dad anything. Ty would've known what to do.

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now