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Makenna stayed locking herself in one room while Noah stayed in the other and I inbetween the two. If they would just get over their feelings that would make my life so much easier. With his anger and her anger, I'm going to blackout.

Since nobody is here and I can't leave them I ordered pizza in hopes to lure them out. Let's just say pizza can bring out the most stubborn from hiding. Their moods changed I know that for sure, but they were hesitant to come out. So I waited in the family room on the floor with 3 boxes of pizza.

Makenna was the first to come out surprisingly. When she was fully out I locked her door. Then I did the same with Noah.

We sat there awkwardly eating pizza and I watched tv. Or tried to. Like I said it was pretty awkward.

"Okay... Okay! I've had it," I blurted out. "Noah, you need to get over yourself. What is her business is her business, she doesn't need to share every little thing." He stared at me like I just smacked him, while Makenna smirked. "And Makenna he said sorry, he meant it. Accept it or move on. What's done is done, you already told him. I can't take this anymore fix yourselves before I officially flip on the both of you."

"Who stuck a pole up your ass," Noah muttered.

I only looked at him and he shied away. "This is why she doesn't like you, because you say stupid shit like that."

Makenna snorted at the comment and Noah glared at her as she continued eating her pizza. At least she was fine, her mood definitely was changed with this pizza.

"Well then," Noah said.

We watched tv for awhile and then switched to some old movies, which turned into finding Noah's old home videos. It was Makenna who found them. He didn't know these existed so it should be interesting.

"Hey that's me in the background," Makenna said genuinely excited.

She was playing with her mom bouncing on her lap. She had to be 3 at the time. Noah was in front of the camera trying to grip the lense.

"Noah, let it go and show your dad what I taught you," aunt Naomi said.

Noah moved backed, picked up a butterfly and it started to slowly fold in his hand. It was dead and he smiled at his mom like he was trying to contain himself. A few seconds ticked by with him still holding it in his hand, it slowly started to unfold and flew away.

"Good job," Naomi said excitedly. "That's what we call the butterfly effect."

Aunt Raelyn sighed in the background. "Why do you persist to show him, when we all agreed not to?"

"He'll learn eventually. Plus he's young he won't remember."

The video ended and Makenna was quick to play the next tape. This time it was Noah and the twins sitting in a circle torturing a rabbit. The screams of the rabbit was getting to Makenna so she changed it. The next video was of me and Noah.

"Noah, this is your cousin Uri," Damon said calmly.

I ran away from them all. Mom did say I was a super shy kid when I was young. I didn't like to be around too many kids it's just how I was. Dad brought me back over anyway holding onto my hand while I hid behind him.

"Don't worry, Noah is nice," mom told me leaning down. She looked back up at dad with worry written all in her eyes. "I think it was too early to introduce the two."

"He'll be fine."

This had to be a little after we moved here in the states. I know that because everyone was looking at me trying to take in my every move.

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