
So now that everything is pretty much handled I can do what I want. There's no more Ty and Makenna or Makenna period. The adults are trapped by that guy. He did all that dirty work. I wanted them gone but, I guess he did too so it worked out.

Wasn't it smart, nobody saw it coming. Everything worked out as planned. High five me. I'm so good.

"Ty," I knocked on his door. No answer. "Ty," I knocked harder. Still no answer.

I barged in. He was inside, I'm just not sure what is going through his mind. He had a belt around his arm tightly with a syringe between his teeth. My mind couldn't process what was being done until he stuck it in his veins. It was all such a familiar scene that I knew to wait until he was done with it.

"What," he said not looking at me, while putting it all away.

"Are you doing drugs again," I said quietly so dad wouldn't hear.

He pulled out a pill bottle, popped a few and laid back getting on his phone. "No."

I closed the door behind me going over to him. "Ty, how long have you been doing this?"

"Go," he said shoving me away.

"Why are you doing this? Can you answer me that?"

He flicked his hand and I was suddenly out in the woods. At least I know these woods. It's kinda mean he would do that though.

I tried popping up back home but I couldn't. All my energy wont get me that far. Halfway, yes. So halfway is where I went. Halfway is near Noah's house. I could always busy myself there. Makenna won't do anything. So Noah's house it is.

I knocked and he answered. I'm glad it was him who answered, because now he let me in. He didn't really say but he left it open for me to come through.

"Makenna, open the damn door," he knocked on the door upstairs.

Uri was sitting on the stairs staring at me a little. I waved and he went the other way.

"Oh my- open the fucking door! We don't have time for this," Noah yelled.

Uri said something to him, making him come back down and into the family room. He sat on the couch tapping his foot rapidly. That meant two of three things. He was nervous. He was mad. He was extremely pissed. I think it's the first and the latter.

"Are you good," I asked sitting next to him.

"I'm fine," he said curtly.

"Then what's the problem," I smiled pointing to his still tapping leg.

"Makenna locked herself in the room. This was two hours ago... what happened with her and Ty?"

I knitted my brows together. "She didn't say?" He shook his head. "Oh, well she found out Ty was a demon and vice versa."

"He's a demon too?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but he found out she was cheating on him at the beach with some other guys."


"You didn't know? That's why she would leave early. I've seen it with my own two eyes. I can't believe it either."

Why did I say that? Why not? At this point I just want to see what happens. It should be interesting.

I think I'm taking a better liking to this demon side. It's so fun to cause a mess. It was never this exciting before but now it's just amazing.

"Noah, can I talk to you for a second," Uri said by the door.

"I'm not getting up." He looked at me. "Step out for a minute."

"Dude I walked miles to get here. You won't even know I'm here."

"Nevermind," Uri said like it was pointless.

"Why can't you just say it," Noah asked.

Uri looked upstairs and shook his head. I heard Makenna coming down now. She looked in here, then walked to the kitchen. Noah went after her quickly and Uri followed behind. So then I followed.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help. I get you're mad at me and him and Ty, but you just can't walk off like that," Noah said to her.

All she did was roll her eyes, walking away. "Where are you going," Uri asked.

"Away from her."

Noah sighed. "For what?" She didn't say. "Are you serious right now? Shouldn't this be the other way around?"

She stopped and turned to look at him stunned. "What?"

"You cheated on-"

"Oh you know what, you're so right," she told him walking off but still talking. "I cheated on Ty with numerous guys. It's just what I do. She has all the right to be mad at me," Makenna said slamming her door upstairs.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Uri mumbled. "Jamie, you have to go."

I looked at him confused because what happened. "Why?"

He laughed at me. "Why? That's the funniest thing I've heard. You know why. Makenna was being nice, so just leave."

I waited for Noah to say something, but he didn't. He was taking their side and it kind of sucked. Ty didn't want to be bothered with me and neither did they. Lacey was off with her family because she's in trouble.

So I just nodded, heading home. It took awhile and my feet hurt. When I got there dad and Ty were talking in his office. Whatever it was about sounded serious, so I went to my room. Dad barely has serious talks with him. I just didn't want to be next.

"Jamie," Dad said knocking on my door.

"Yeah," I groaned waking up some.

He came in wearing a stressed look. "Is there a reason why you took a 5 hour nap?"

It couldn't have been that longer. Sure enough when I grabbed my phone it was.

"Uh just really tired," I struggled to say for some reason.

He nodded like I was lying but didn't want to say. "Dinner is ready."

It's been awhile since we ate together as a family. I'm surprised really. I went to the kitchen to see Ty actually sitting there. Something that he always hated doing. He already started eating lol

Re without us if that matters.

"So Belle and her friends are missing, know anything about that," dad said casually looking at both of us.

Ty knitted his brows and shook his head. "They were there yesterday."


"I saw they weren't there when I visited today."

Dad stabbed his food with his knife leaving it there. "Dammit, Jamie, what did you do? Better yet, have you lost your mind?"

"I didn't send them away... Makenna's dad did."

He shook his head, taking a moment to himself. "That's not a fight you should be in. Now fix it, before all things are being pointed to you."

He got up taking his food mumbling about how screwed I was. Didn't think he would be so mad about it. Thought he would feel somewhat proud about it. He wanted to get rid of Belle I just did it for him.


"I'm not helping you," he said sharply.

"Are you seriously mad at me too?" He got up in response. "I wouldn't have done it if I knew you were going to get upset about this one girl."

"You would have. It doesn't matter if it's Makenna or anyone else, it's the fact that you went behind my back and did this. I stayed because of you, don't make me change my mind."

He never gets mad about anything. Why is this one time different? Why is this one girl different? Why is this the time to be difficult?

Any other time he goes from girl to girl every week or every day. Any other time we go back and forth like this he laughs. Any other time he won't get this pissed. So someone explain where this brother went, because this is not him. He hasn't been the same since.... since he left.

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now