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You know in movies, where people can feel the energy or emotions of other people. That's me. It's frustrating and its irritating. There's just this energy of hate and betrayal in this house. I don't know why, but it's really starting to become too much. I've never felt it on this level before. I'll try to do something like mom said, I just don't know if it'll work or not.

"Today," Noah shouted, while Lacey kept going back and forth between choosing from Chance and Charming.

She cut her eyes at him. "I'll go with Charming."

"Noah," Jamie said eyeing me like it was suppose to make me upset.


We separated into our groups listening to Lacey give her version of a pep talk. It was nothing but swearing and Charming staring at her in awe. All I hoped was that I don't have an asthma attack.

"A,B,C, 1,2,3. Hike," Lacey yelled throwing the ball to Charming.

Immediately I was tackled by Chance. He knocked so much wind out of me I had to lay there to catch my breath.

"Uri, you better not embarrass me," mom yelled.

"That's my whole life. What do you want me to do?!"

Chance helped me up and we started again. This time he tackled his brother and Jamie was running at me. Now I followed the rules and took her flag, but somehow or another she also had mine.

"Noah, you're better than this," Damon shouted from the window.

"She's like a greased pig," he yelled in response.

Mom and him weren't helping whatsoever, but I'm glad they realized they were embarrassing us and left. Now when we got everything figured out it was a decent game. Decent all up until I slipped in the mud, knocking Jamie feet from under her. Let's just say her elbow came down on a not so pleasant square.

"I am so sorry," she said getting up.

I was in too much pain to say anything. To top it off this was when my throat started to close and I was having an asthma attack. I sat up sharply holding onto my chest to breath, but ended on my hands and knees. I reached for my inhaler in my pocket, but it wasn't there. It was nowhere in sight.

"Is one of them coming?"

"Aniel is searching for the other right now," Makenna yelled from the door.

My vision was getting splotchy and I feel like I'm hallucinating. I could've sworn I thought I saw some guy at the corner of the fence, but when I looked he was gone.

"Here." Jamie handed over the inhaler.

It wasn't working.This one felt different. This felt like full on strangling. I don't know if I can hold out any longer. Jamie tried that whole comforting thing by placing a hand on my arm, but shrieked back.

Dad came over urging me to try my inhaler again. I did and just like before it didn't work. Strange thing was, after a little it started to clear up on its own. 

When I looked up Makenna was staring inside the house scared standing in front of Kiran and Vega. Chance and Charming were peeking in carefully. Noah was also by the door, but less secretive about. And the girls they were near me.

"What's going on," I asked dad as he helped me up.

He huffed looking at the house then me. "It's just a bad reunion."

"With who?"

"Your grandfather."

To be honest I didn't even know the old devil was still alive. Mom doesn't talk about him. Grandma doesn't talk about him. Dad doesn't talk about him. Nobody does. I knew I had one, just thought he ceased to exist.

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