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Welp we haven't seen Makenna for awhile. Kind of forgot she was still here actually. After finding Uri she has stayed away from us. I think she's around the adults more now. But hey good for her she wasn't the ideal person to be around to begin with.

"Ma," I heard Makenna say through the air vent in the bathroom. "Where are we training today?"

"Where would you like?"

"Um surprise me."

I walked out when I heard their voices fade. It's just strange. Train for what? Walking past the room it was quiet inside. Kind of like no one was in there anymore. But that couldn't be, I would've heard them walk past the door.

I pushed it open just a little and no one was inside. I could've sworn she was in here. She wasn't in there, but she definitely ran right into me hitting her head on my chest falling backwards.

"Ah," she hissed in pain. "Oh my goodness."

She looked down at her hand on the floor, slowly lifting it up. It had one of those tiny dagger like stone ring embedded in her palm. I knew that because it was slightly poking through the back.

"Is that blood?"

"Now isn't the time to get squeamish. Can you please pull it out for me? Please," she said a little shaky.

I eyed it and quickly looked away. There was no way I was pulling that out. I'm pretty sure when things like that happens you're supposed to leave it in there.

"How bout I take you to urgent care and they can take it out. You're going to need stitches."

She huffed pushing past me into the room. She picked up a pillow placing it in her mouth and I glanced away. That was the dumbest thing a person could do.

"Why would you do that," I asked still turned away from the blood.

Makenna stood in front of me holding her  bloody hand out. "Because you wouldn't. Plus it's just blood, we all have it. So you're welcome for getting use to your little fear."

All I could do was shake my head at her. "You don't under-.....stand," I said lowly as I watched her hand slowly heal up. "What the fuck."

She looked down, back at me and decided to hide it. Don't know what for since I already saw it.

"Look I gotta go."

She tried. She really did. It was a nice effort, but it's not going to be so easy. I was against the door and she really thought that she could get me to budge.

"You're going to make her leave me. Move!"

"Not until you explain."

She balled her fist like she was about to hit me but restrained. She growled and stepped back sitting heavy on the floor. She waved her hand telling me to come over so I did. Then she waited for me to sit, but I wasn't so quick to.

"I can't say it loud so just come here," she said quickly.

I sat and Makenna moved over to my ear, then dashed to the door. She would've been gone if my dad hadn't have made me do track. So she ran down the stairs and I jumped over the railing, holding her still. Belle was walking by, stopped to stare for a second raised a brow and left.

"Belle, help," Makenna yelled like I was stressing her out.

"Can't I'm leaving. You can handle this."

Makenna grumbled trying to pull her arms away. "Just stop fighting me," I told her when she was basically falling to the ground.

"Ma!" Nothing. "Damon!" Nothing. "Naomi!.... somebody."

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