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"Grandma," I breathed after I heard Uri slam the door shut. "He's really trying. They all are. Why can't you just give them a chance?"

"Because they are not good people, Noah," she enunciated every single word loudly and clearly. "It makes me sad just looking at what he's done to your precious face. I know you know where I'm coming from."

"They're trying," I repeated. "Besides it's been years since that fight. I've already forgiven and forgotten about that, can't you."

All grandma did was sigh and shake her head. "I'm going to bible study."

Grandpa just kind of sat there looking a bit confused on what to say. He's always the more reasonable one. If I can try with Uri, then I think they can too. It's been years since we've all been together, but if it means a lot to all of our parents we can all put aside our differences for this.

"Noah, can you answer me this? Why does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't, but I don't think I can hold a grudge against someone who was only defending himself a long time ago. Besides how can you still hate a person who saved your life?"

I remember mom telling me that and she was always confused why he decided to hate her afterwards. I know mom and her have had their differences at one point too, but now they're best friends.

Grandpa blinked at me letting out a long heavy breath. "There's some things you don't understand right now... But since you care so much, I will try. I can not convince your grandmother, but I can always talk to her."

And we left it at that. I'm not sure about a lot of things and I get that they keep saying I won't understand. I'm not asking for a sudden turn around but I just want to have a little hope.

"I dare you to... to blindfold yourself."

"Just blindfold myself," Makenna questioned Chance.

He smiled and nodded. She took the bandana, tying it around her and waited. As quietly as he could, Chance took out a box and opened it to reveal a blunt and lighter. He sparked it, inhaled and blew it in her face which made her jump.

"What is that," she said sounding afraid.

"Your dare."

Charming held her in her spot, while she fought in his grips. At first it was a little funny, that was until you could tell she was seriously freaking out.

"Okay, okay that's enough," I told Charming pushing him back.

He let go, she punched him in his shoulder and ran out of the room. We all shared a look. Mainly because we didn't know who should be the one to go check. In the end Uri lost and he was the candidate.

"I didn't know she'd freak out like that," Charming said.

"Well usually when someone is blindfolded and held down they tend to freak out."

"I didn't see you stopping it," Chance chimed in.

We started going back and forth. They somehow tried to make it my fault. It's not like I told her to do anything or did anything.

When Uri came back Makenna didn't return. So now I feel bad for not doing anything sooner. It got awkwardly quiet but after a minute or so she returned. And she was pissed.

"Truth or dare," she gritted out, looking at the twins.

"Truth," they said nervously.

The corner of her mouth quirked up for a second, before she said anything. "Where's your mom?"

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