
With the adults back I thought things would be over. I thought that since mom was back it would scare the rest of the demons back. I was wrong. Now they're working up a plan and I guess we have to do plan B.

"Uri," mom knocked on the door. I turned around and she came over. "Why aren't you downstairs with everyone?"

"I'm thinking."

She glanced around and I know she was still stuck on what I said earlier in hell. It's just that hurt me that she would leave that way. She's gone for almost two months now, then she asked for my help only to trap me in the place she was trying to escape. I just wanted her to feel what I felt.

"I shouldn't have said those things earlier-"

"Don't apologize," she stopped me. "I know how you felt and I should never have let you feel that for even a nanosecond. I messed up, not you." Mom shut the door sitting in front of it, resting her head back. "Uri, I should tell you something before this fight happens."

That's not something anyone wants to hear. "Can I eat while you talk?"

The real reason I came up is because I made pizza rolls and the twins kept trying to take them from me. Makenna was right taking those trips gets tiring, but I get more hungry than anything.

Mom laughed a little but shrugged. "Alright. If you decide to fight. If you do and I'd rather you not I need you to tether yourself to someone's emotions. It'll help keep you from blacking out and from getting possessed. But if you do that, please don't break from that connection under any circumstances. You understand me?" I nodded. "Also I know you can handle yourself but-"

"I know, I know. If there's too many call on you. I know mom and I understand, but I don't think that will be the case."

She popped up behind me holding onto my neck. "Uri, there's so much you don't understand. Demons don't care who's around you. They will rip your throat out and won't care if you call for me at the last second because you thought you could handle it." She tightened her grip some. "You don't even know what to do right now, do you."

I swallowed some, this isn't what I expected her to do to get her point across. "I don't want to fight you."

"Nobody ever does, but they still have the balls to do it. Just because I'm your mother and you're my son doesn't mean anything in survival. It's either kill or be killed."

I don't remember what happened next. All I know is that I woke up on my back outside. Mom was perched up in the tree watching me intently. She didn't say or do anything she just watched. I don't know what she wanted me to do, but it felt like I had to do something. But then I felt it.

There was this piercing sensation in the back of my eyes. It was annoying and painful I couldn't see straight. It looked like she was getting closer and closer.

I was knocked back a few feet falling on my butt. The only thing I could do was stare at her. She stopped short just of a few inches to look down at me. The pain behind my eyes grew worse. I'm really trying not to black out, but it's hard. I know I need to fight back it's just not easy laying hands on your mother. Then again she isn't really laying hands on me.

Moving away from her I mimicked things that have happened to me. One of which was a memory. I know it'll stall her for a second I just needed the right memory. Since I don't know how to pick and choose from her's, I used mine. It was when I was little and hurt. She always stopped whatever she was doing then.

I created distance while she focused on that. Meanwhile I had to think of something else. I tried the thing from before that I did to Chance. She was getting pulled backwards into a tree, but stopped short.

"You're better than that," mom said, running at me.

I sidestepped her, but she grabbed onto me, throwing me down. A knife manifested in her hand slowly nearing my chest.

"Belle," dad called out in panic.

She glanced up for a second. I took that as in advantage kicking her off. I've seen her, Aunt Rae and Makenna shift elements enough to know how to do it a little. When she fell back the grass around her became like bounds on her wrist and ankles.

She smirked at me nodding in approval. "Ah clever." The bounds slowly receded back to the ground. Mom got up to stare at dad, annoyed that he stopped the fight a little short. "What," she muttered to him.

"You don't put knives at our children's throat," he explained.

Mom pulled me close to reach up and ruffle my hair. "He's fine. I wasn't hurting him." I scoffed under my breath, earning a smack to the back of my head. "If I wanted you hurt, you wouldn't be standing. That was all psychological pain, sweetie."

"I don't think that's better," I said lowly.

"Anyways I was prepping him. You'd rather I set him on fire and let him loose," she snapped at dad.

He folded his arms giving her a hard look. "We're not doing that again-"

"So what's the problem?" He started to say but she talked over him. "There isn't one. Uri is fine. No harm was done, everything is as fine as it can be here."

I guess they're still going at it. I just hope this argument doesn't lead to another sibling or siblings again. Really don't want to hear that.

"Wow, is that what you think," mom said appalled. I could only stare at her confused. "Empathy, if your good at it, is like reading minds."

"Just thinking or feeling the obvious. That's how you two work. Is it not?"

She looked away from me to stare at dad. I hit the target so they might as well get it over with. Mom smiled at the ground some and they vanished.

So meanwhile they're doing that. I'll stay out here. Too much sexual tension in the house.

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