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I've been searching for Ty all day. He said we would hangout together, but he wasn't in his room. The only place I can sense he's at is at Noah's, although he has no reason to really be there.

But I followed the trail there and snuck upstairs when I noticed them having dinner. Ty wouldn't be so stupid to be down there so I searched for him up here.

"What are you doing," Uri asked leaning on the wall.

He nearly scared the piss out of me. "Uhhh..."

"Uhhh...," he mocked. "You should be explaining, because this doesn't look good."

"I'm looking for my brother," I said shyly. "Have you seen him?"

He knitted his brows together. "Your brother?" I nodded. "Brown hair sorta, almost black eyes, tall, has tattoos and scars everywhere?"

I groaned because that was him and I didn't like how he was setting this up. "Yes. Where is he?"

"Don't know," he said turning out into the hall leaving me to wonder.

"Uri," I whispered yelled. "Just tell me."

"You don't want to know," he said walking into Noah's room.

I huffed because I really did. I wanted to know, Lacey wanted to know and dad wanted to know. So if he could just make one of those appearances that would be nice. Also if Uri told me where he was that would be equally as nice.

But he didn't so I tried annoying him until he told me. That resulted to me being shoved and locked in a closet. I wanted to break the door down but that wouldn't be a good look.

"So are we not going to talk about Makenna getting ate at the table," Noah grumbled coming in.

"What!" The twins yelled together.

"She was- and there was- at the dinner table! While we were all there?!,"Chance sputtered

It grew quiet in the room, then a chair moved and the closet opened. Noah and the twins looked down at me. Chance shook his head at me. At least Charming helped me up. Uri was in the back with his arms crossed.

"We have got to work on your social skills, Uri," Charming told him.

"Can somebody tell me where my brother is I know he's here," I shouted out of frustration.

Chance and Charming looked at each other and started laughing like this was the funniest thing to have ever happened in their lives. I'm talking true tears and belly aches. The kind of laugh where no more sound is coming out anymore and it's just the action.

Noah huffed and sat down like he was the one stressing. I just want to know where my brother is and has been. So if someone could just say.

"Your brother," Chance said sobering up but reached for his twin when he couldn't finish.

"Was with Makenna," Charming finished for him still laughing.

I shook my head. Why would Ty be with her? Not saying anything is seriously wrong with her, but... Makenna seriously. Where would they have even met? They don't have anything in common. The opposites shouldn't attract on this one. He's only been here for a few days now. This-

This isn't the problem at hand right now. The problem is this female has been having relations with my brother. Relations with him in front of everyone too. What kind of cocky mess is that? They have been having relations and I've been sitting around waiting for my brother for a long time.

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