Chapter 37- harry finds out

Start from the beginning

"That was a week ago and yeah it was good. Shame you weren't here to ask me before?" I say dismissively, carrying on walking.

"Come on, bro, I'm sorry, I needed to cool off. Anyway, I haven't seen you in a week, come sit here!" He leans over and grabs my wrist, pulling me next to him. I give in and let him pull me over. He's right, I haven't seen him in a week.

"So" he says, patting my shoulder. "Did anything happen?" Snapshots of all the things that happened flash through my mind but I shake them away, telling myself that, however much I want to, I cannot give the secret that I'm dating Molly away to my brother.

"Nothing really" I tell him, shrugging. I want to say as little as possible to give away as little as possible. He can't possibly know.

"Oh, come on, Finn. Why did you come out shirtless with a football on your head and Molly was wearing your shirt?" He asks, a frown covering his face now. He doesn't look happy anymore.

"Dan fought me and Molly liked my shirt?" I insist, keeping my distance from my brother so that he can't see that I'm lying. It's a pretty stupid excuse anyway but as long as he can't look I to my eyes and tell me I'm lying, then I think I can just about get away with it?

"Come on, Finn. Why were you wet then?"

"He threw a bottle of water at us?"

"Where was the bottle?"

"I dunno? How was I meant to know?" He's bombarding me with questions and I know he's going to force it out of me soon.

"Why were you outside anyway, Finn?" My brother asks me and I bite my Tounge. How am I going to get out of this one?

"Molly wanted some fresh air"

"What about your 'date'?" He says, emphasising the word 'date' and I remember that I'm meant to be dating someone from Molly's school called Molly crombie. I've never met her but I have to make out like I do.

"Erm- she didn't turn up" I say, looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact.

"Aww, poor you bro, stood up?" He says in a mocking tone, giving me a sarcastic hug. Why is he being so mean? A wave of rage surges up my body from my toes and washes over me. I don't care what anyone thinks, I have GOT to tell him the truth. There is no way I can hide the fact that we're dating anymore. Plus, I don't see why Harry can't know. Is it really that imoprtant?

"Okay, I'm telling you the truth now!" I say, silencing Harry's evil sounding laugh. His features harden, his eyes narrowing. I think he knows what's coming next.

"I'm not dating Molly crombie! Okay?! I took Molly outside so we could get away from the noise! We went swimming in the lake over the hill! Okay, I kissed her, but no more than any of the other girls you've seen me with! But yes, I'm dating Molly. Molly Boulton! And I don't care what you think, but I've had enough of you teasing me for not having a girlfriend. And this is the truth!" By the end of my little rant, Harry is focussed on me with the most piercing  stare I have ever had from him. His eyes are blazing, nostrils flaring, and I suddenly begin to realise why Molly didn't want to tell Harry. I mean I knew already but by the anger in his eyes I can tell this is going to be a lot worse than I thought...

Soon Harry has smashed the table lamp, and is heading for my bedroom. I try to stop him but he shoves me to the floor, kicking down my locked door. I start to cry.

In a frantic rush I dial Molly's number onto the landline and place it to my ear, hoping and praying that Harry won't do anything too bad to my room. My fingers are crossed and my eyes tight shut, muttering words to myself that I can't even hear. After a few seconds, she picks up.

"Hello?" Molly asks, her voice calm and probably wondering why I'm calling. My hands are shaking. Why the hell did I tell Harry?! If I had let it blow over then we would never be in this mess.

"Hey, mol" I stammer, for ingot he words out of my mouth. If I dint tell her now it'll be a million times worse.

"Oh, hey Finn, why did you call?" I can tell that she knows something's up and I try to keep my cool as I look over to see Harry through the doorway  grabbing at my sheets and ripping them off the bed. I hold back threatening tears.

"Erm- well?" I prepare myself for Molly's reaction as I hear her hold her breath. I wonder what she is thinking right mow.

"What have you done?" She sounds concerned and sure as hell she should be. Harry hasn't been this angry since Emma died. Suddenly I hear a crash behind me and look through the doorway to see Harry smashing my trophy from winning cross-country in my previous school. My heart breaks. " is everything okay?"

"Harry! Stop!" I cry, rushing over to my room with the phone still pressed to my ear. I hope Molly can't hear me.

"Finn? What's happening?!" She asks me, her voice worried and frantic as my mouth drops at the state of my room. Tears are streaming down my face as reality takes over.

"I might have told Harry" I have to tell her- no matter what Harry is doing.

"Told Harry what?" This is going to break me- the fact that I betrayed Molly on her word and that she'll probably never trust me again.

"That we went to the disco together?" I try to make it out like its not a big deal, like it doesn't matter that I have tears streaming down my face and that my room is ruined. I should probably dot  he same to Harry's room but I don't have the heart. In his room are too many precious things that mean the world to him- things mum gave him, whereas most of the things in my room are just meaningless crap- things I've won in pointless competitions I've been forced to enter without my concent. I never cared about them.

Suddenly, without warning, as soon as the words have left my lips, there is a gasping sound and the line goes dead. I shout into the phone but there is no answer, just the steady buzzing of the line. I throw the phone as hard as I can onto the couch so it bounced onto the floor. I glance at my room, bracing myself for the anger on Harry's face. His face looks empty- just like the rest of my life- like the rest of my world.

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