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THE AIR VANISHED. In addition to the darkness of the room, I felt trapped, like I was suffocating. I had to get out, get away from Charleston, from everybody. I didn't want to think or do or even feel anything. I just wanted to breathe. 

"I can't.. I'm sorry, I can't do this." I panted, then proceed to push past him and run out the room. 

The rejection on his face only added to my distress. Everything was telling me to stay - to talk to Charleston and let him comfort me, let him explain why I didn't need to be so afraid all the time, but feared I would soon pass out from all the anxiety if I didn't isolate myself soon enough. 

I could hear his footsteps a he chased me down the narrow hallway. His taller physique meant that he was able to catch up to me. I opened the door and stopped in the entrance way, the light from outside flooding through. 

I was crying now. 

Charleston wiped under his eyes, but he was able to hold himself better than I was. 

"Pip, you don't have to be alone." He moved forward towards me, reaching out for a hand, but I fell back from him, afraid. Afraid of everything that had happened since he arrived. 

Maybe MiKinley was right about some things...

He swallowed his breath and quickly retreated, his expression hidden by the shadows cast in the room. 

"I know." I replied. My body was shaking so much that you could hear it in my voice. "I know, but I want to be. I want some time to think, Charleston, to try and understand how what you are telling me is true." 

"I'd never lie to you, Pip. I'm not. I promise." 

"I know you're not lying. That's why I'm so terrified." 

By then, he had accepted that I was leaving. That I needed space from him. What he told me confirmed this. 

"Stop that crying, okay?"

I sniffled, gave him a confused look. It didn't sound like him, but it was gentle, and that was the only part of him I recognised at first. 

"If they see you running away from here in tears, then we'll get caught. I know your scared, but you can't show it at the moment. You have to be brave." 

"How? How am I possibly supposed to be brave?" 

He stepped forward again, and this time I let him. Once again, he reached up towards my face, the back of his hand slowly caressing my cheek. I leaned into his touch - found some relief in him.

"You just are." He whispered back. 

I closed the remaining distance between us and fell against his chest. His arms castled firmly around my frame. In the midst of everything, for a moment, I felt at home. But I made the decision to step away from the boy who gave that feeling to me because I couldn't yet comprehend the entire universe that danced inside of him. 

I pulled away, and it was too soon, and I knew that no amount of time would ever be enough to spend in his hold. But sometimes, people have to leave and moments have to pass, and you can't do anything to stop those endings from reaching you. Running from that concept, and being chased by it, are two entirely different things. 

In a blended, bitter haze, I parted from the Grey Range leaving behind uncertainties and a boy whom was worth more than entire the world. 


Awh, I quite liked the sweetness of this towards the end

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Awh, I quite liked the sweetness of this towards the end.

I gave ya a double update because it's been so long. Please comment!


The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.

Psalm 118:6 

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