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+ It's the only truth sometimes

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+ It's the only truth sometimes.  Doesn't matter if it's out there somewhere +

+ waiting for the world to find, or buried deep inside. Everybody lies. + 

+ E v e r y b o d y   L i e s  +


I DIDN'T SEE Charleston for the rest of the day. 

It was quite a relief because I was unsure how I would react around him; around someone who tried to take my life away. I couldn't comprehend it. I was naive to think that I should trust him - it had only been a few days, after all - but from what I knew about him, from how he was around me, I could never have pictured him as someone who would try and do that to me. 

Despite everything, there was still a trace of denial raging inside my stomach. Everything was telling me the facts: that I shouldn't trust Charleston, but each time I reminded myself of the reasons why, I could feel it: the denial. The rage. 

MiKinley left after a while. I think I had upset him again, but it was never my intention to. I remained trying to figure out what was going on between us lately, and how everything had suddenly changed, and how we could fix it. If we could.. 

I tried to tell myself that things would clear up after the whole issue with Charleston was over, but I couldn't see that happening any time soon. In fact, I couldn't see that happening at all. He was a guard here, he worked here, so it was just a matter of time until I saw him again. Much to my anxiety, that time came in the morning.

Everyone filed into the mess hall, the morning chatter of everyone ringing in my ears. My friends all came over and joined me; Billie - one of the new girls from the Harvest, tagging along with Ava. 

As everyone began to dig into their breakfast, questions flew Billie's way about what the world was like when she left. Was it any better? Were there any more Insusceptibles? Why did she leave? Though I was curious as to what the answers would be, there was a greater thought resting on my mind: where was he? 

He wasn't by our table yet, though I reminded myself that it was still early as I scanned my eyes across the hall. It was almost amusing, in a twisted sort of way: how I was searching for something I wasn't sure I wanted to find. How would he be around me? I wondered. And how would Ava react to him? MiKinley?  Amid my worrying and nervousness, I was about to find out.

He walked into the hall alongside another official, his eyes instantly falling to where I was. He was caught off guard by the fact that I was looking, and seemed to stumble with his mannerisms.  

By the time he had gained composure and collected his tray of food, Ava had noticed him. She sat up straighter in her seat, eyeing him down as he scanned the room for a place to sit - the only free table being across from ours, which would give us both a clear view of each other. 

To Ava's annoyance, Charleston took the seat, not even able to pretend that he didn't notice us. Ava continued her glaring, it being a warning to him, her way of saying 'I know what you did,' and he tried his best to not let it show that it was effecting him, but we both knew it was. 

"Ava, stop it." I muttered under my breath, sensing that she would not give up her glaring until the end of breakfast. 

"Why should I?" She fired back, stabbing her food with her fork as she did so, facing me.  

"Because I'm asking you to." 

We turned our attention back to Charleston when a loud clang sounded from his position. He had dropped his fork onto the plate, looking half embarrassed and half-ashamed to have been caught staring back at us. I felt a sympathy for him, for his loneliness; an understanding of his mistake. 

I had to think twice about it - really think: was it a mistake? Did he mean to try and touch me? To take away my life? As I looked over at him, feeling MiKinley's eyes on me - who had now become aware of the situation - I tried to find some truth in him. 

I tried to find something, anything that would make me forgive him. 



Can't believe we're already on chapter sixteen already?-

If you go back to the 3rd chapter of this story (the one after the dedication), you'll see that I posted a whole chapter for the face-claims of this story! Please go check it out and let me know what you think of all the names and casting.

What do you think is going on with Pip? Do you think she should trust Charleston, despite the fact that he did try and touch her - a rule that takes away your life when it is broken?

Or should she trust MiKinley - her best friend who is only trying to protect her from the new guard who came in and caused havoc among them?

I love you all so much. 

Always, always.

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