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Maybe all that we were meant to be is
beautifully unfinished.
+ E.H +


THE WHITE FOG consumed us as we left that life behind. I couldn't see anything for a while - it was a much longer exit than I thought it would be - but behind me, I heard the collapsing of every remaining building in that camp, every roar of the fire burning through anything that was left to burn.

The sting of the Fog felt electrifying against my skin, even after Charleston managed to pull us through. He set me on the ground. Immediately, I turned to run back into the camp, but Charleston was quick to grasp onto my wrist, pulling me straight back to him. I tried to fight out of his hold, but I was already weakened by the Fog: there was nothing I can do to make him let go.

Amid my yelling and struggling, Charleston managed to cup my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

We were both breathing heavy, and noise surrounded us in every direction, but I was able hear what he said to me. The heartache in his voice echoed above everything else. "I can't lose you!"

He recovered from his desperate state, regaining his control so he can carry on. "I'm not going to lose you, Pip... We can't stay here. I know you want to go back for him, but that's not him - he's not in there. Ava, Thea, your dad; they're all waiting for you, okay? So please, please fight this night."

I wanted to be able to. I wanted to take his hand and follow him out of this catastrophe, but every spark of hope in me had fizzled out. Before I could even breathe again, I give up.

"Pip?" Charleston looks for any sign of a response, his worried eyes refusing to lose the light.

I don't answer him, too in shock, too numb; but I don't resist him. Defeat washes over his face as he takes my hand and holds it tight. I can't even meet his eyes as he looks at me one last time, as if to tell me that it's all going to be over soon.

He leads me through the trees, keeping me close, making sure my disorientated-self doesn't get hurt. Before us appears a large warehouse, it's height towering above us, and the door is cranked open where reflections of light pour through. I hadn't realised it was night until then. At least that it meant the agony of today would be over soon.

As we neared closer to the door, I was able to distinguish the voices of our friends.

"Where are they?" I could hear Ava worry. "If they're still inside, I..." She couldn't finish her thought.

"Charleston's smart. He would've got them both out of there." Patrick consoled her.

To their relief, it was at that moment Charleston pulled us through the doorway.

Ava yelled my name, running over to me, wrapping her arms so tightly around me that I could barely breathe. She pulled away when I didn't react, afraid that I was hurt. Like Charleston, she placed a hand on my cheek, encouraging me to look at her.

"Pip?" Her voice was gentle, almost enough to bring me back. "Pip, you're alright. You're safe."

"Is she okay?" Blaze asked, everyone concerned for me.

From the corner of my vision, I could see Charleston shaking his head, his hands up, perhaps a surrender to the weight.

The deafening colliding of metal tore through the warehouse, causing everyone to block their ears. Ava looked around, terrified, as if the sky was ripping apart.

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