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IT WAS LIKE I hadn't been breathing until now

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IT WAS LIKE I hadn't been breathing until now. Until I realized that he was more to me than a boy who had wandered into my path. 

 He knew. He looked at me like he knew. 

 "Charleston, I... I think I remember you." His eyes held the oceans as tsunami waves of relief whispered out of him. 

"It's more than that, Pip." It was. It was more than anything and everything altogether. 

"You're right... Charleston, I know you. I know who you are." 

 "You know me? You remember?" I had never known of such a hope until him. My friend. My best friend.  

"Yes." In that second, I wanted Charleston to pull me into him and I wanted to relive the feeling of our worlds colliding. If we had a minute longer, then I'm certain I would have ended up with his arms around me, and mine around him, but a knock behind us reminded me that although you can have forever in a moment, moments don't last forever. 

Charleston turned to me before he answered who was waiting outside. "You can't tell Ava yet, or Thea, or any of your friends." Foolishly, I had almost dreamed that everything would change. 

"What? Why not? Charleston, they need to know." 

 "They will, okay? Pip, I promise. But not yet. They're not ready."  

"But Ava knew you would be here. She knew what was going to happen." 

 Conflicted for a response, Charleston contemplated on a thought before deciding to open the door. Patrick stepped past and he looked behind him and down the corridor in search for Ava, but she wasn't there. 

Patrick, obviously aware of what Charleston was thinking, explained to us where she had gone. "Alistair came and took her back outside. She was getting worried that both of you being gone for this long would start to look suspicious, so she left." I nodded, glad for once that I wasn't left in the dark about things.

Yet, I did wonder about how much Patrick knew. Obviously, it was more than what I did - and he seemed to know Charleston, too - but did he know everything? Was he like Charleston and somehow certain and informed on every question that I had to ask? Or was he like me: slowly learning the rules to life again? 

Charleston looked over at me, as if expecting me to have something to say at that point. They both did, knowing that it was like me lately to always have one more thought on my mind. Except this this time I didn't. 

"I was just telling Pip about the rule." Charleston explained.

"The rule?" Patrick asked. Maybe he didn't know? Before I settled on an answer, he continued. "Which rule..." he teased knowingly, "this one?"  Patrick raised his hand and daringly inched it closer and closer until he poked Charleston's chest, retreating his hand back quickly with a childish smirk. 

Charleston shook his head in laughter. "You idiot, you're lucky I told her."

"Not to worry, tough guy. I know when to take my chances."

"Evidently so." Charleston muttered, rolling his eyes as we both laughed at Patrick. "And don't call me 'tough guy.'"

Patrick's laughter cut off suddenly and in an instant, it seemed he had turned serious. Of course, this perception left when he spoke. "Sorry... Fragile dude." 

Charleston, with his arms folded, bit down on his lip as though he were stuck in contemplation. Patrick waited, unsure of Charleston's next move. Before I could comprehend it, he had lunged forward and now had Patrick in a headlock, ruffling his hair under his hand. 

"Take it back!" Charleston yelled.

"No! I won't!" 

"Say you're sorry!"

"I'll never admit defeat!" Patrick responded, imitating desperation as the two boys childishly fought against one another in antic. 

It was funny, I thought; not what they were doing to each other - although I couldn't stop myself from laughing at them - but the fact that this morning, I never would have imagined that I would have touched Charleston's skin and lived to dream about it, and here I was, watching, smiling at him as we lived and felt and survived together. 

The world was just beginning. 


Guys, plleeeaase, comment!

I asked for 10 (which isn't actually a lot to be fair) and I got 4. I do appreciate the ones and the people who do, though.

Sorry for no update in a couple of days - today marks one year since I moved back to England and it's been a very emotional and confusing and upsetting time. Lonely... That's the word.

Please continue to pray for my friend who has cancer! My God delights in miracles, so if you believe in what you ask from Him, you will receive it!

I love you.


Ask Me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.

Jeremiah 33:3

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