AskTDG (#3)

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Hey guys!! Today I am doing an AskTDG. Thank you all for your questions in my Q&A notification chapter. I'll definitely notify all of you for my next AskTDG. Now let's get started!

@JaredPadasexy: How do you gently tell a guy you don't like them?
Say that you hate them and never want to see them again. JUST KIDDING. I would tell them that you aren't interested in a relationship at the moment and aren't ready for any commitment. If you like someone else and not him then you can say that you are sorry but you don't have any of the same feelings for him and he does for you. It's all in the way you say it.

DJthePanda: How do you cope with a breakup?
Distractions help people a lot. Becoming busy with activities really does the trick for some people. Otherwise you can try finding new guys or changing yourself a bit, starting the fresh new you.

@emevoli25: How do you get your crush to like you when he doesn't even talk to you?
Honestly I am the worse person to ask but I'm going to say that you should become interested in what he likes. For example a certain sport or activity. Otherwise bump into him and try to start a conversation. That may or may not go well depending.

@NanoXWriting: How do you act around immature guys in class?
I spent 9 years with a class full of immature boys and I just ignored them. Then when I got to high school I still ignored them. Unless they gave me a headache or interacted with me. That's when I tell them to shut up.

@Missawesomereads: What is your favorite book or book series?
100% the Divergent series or on Wattpad there's this book that I loved called The Bad boy and the Tomboy. Aahhhhh they were great.

lowercase_anne: Have you ever been really nervous to start school?
YESSSS! The biggest thing I'm worried about is if any of my friends will be in any of my classes. And all the upcoming stress I'm going to have to deal with. 🙄

@Elizabeth9891: I just moved to a new school, in a totally different state (Michigan to Minnesota) and I know no one. How do I make a good first impression?
Being yourself is key because starting off being fake will force you to stay that person and you will always have the fear of people hating the real you. Be yourself and don't be scared (even though it's so hard not to be scared) you WILL make friends in no time and saying hello to people defiantly helps. 😂❤️

@Missawesomereads: What is your favorite movie/movie series?
Probably the Divergent movies 😂😂 and The Notebook, La La Land, Geek Charming or any sappy romantic comedy cause I'm a sucker for those.

DJthePanda: how do you ask a guy out?
I'm doing to be so honest I am NOT the person you should be asking 😂 however my best advice is to be confident and make sure you know the person well. If you are nervous try talking the way you normally would to somebody and don't ask them until later on after a few good laughs and conversations.

@Missawesomereads: What inspired you to start Wattpad?
I have to give A LOT of credit to WolfLuver17 because she was the one who made me get the app (love you Stephanie) and my favorite YouTubers inspired me to take on my own persona which you know as The Different Girl. However I always loved helping others, giving my advice to those in need and expressing my personally in many ways like advice giving, rants, life hacks, DIYs, etc. So yeah that is what inspired me to write here and continue to do what I love.

EvieHasSkills: Who is your favorite Wattpad author?
I don't have a favorite since I love too many books to count.

baekvampire12: Favorite shoe brand?
Defiantly converse and Uggs.

EvieHasSkills: Are you lesbian/bi/gay so on so forth?
I'm straight and do like guys but I respect and love all sexual orientations because I believe that love is love and if you truly love someone with all your heart then who cares who or what they are. (I'm so sorry but I could make that sentence any more corny than that) 😂❤️

@LunaRey03: Can you suggest fashion tips for tall, curvy girls????
For curvy girls, skinny jeans and a tank top looks AMAZING AF on them. I really think it brings out their figure. For tall girls, cardigans look great on them as well as loose flowy tops and blouses as well as leggings and flats. The cardigan cause they'll never look too big on them, the loose tops because it flows with them, the leggings so that they will fit with any height you are and flags because you don't need to be any taller 😂😂😂😂 but of course you can wear heels if you want.

So that wraps up this AskTDG. Thank you ALL for your amazing questions and comments. I really appreciate ever question you give me and I can't wait for the next AskTDG. Vote if you enjoyed this chapter and comment below your favorite book (it was one of the questions so why not 😂) also make sure you follow me on twitter (DifferentGirl_2) and subscribe to my YouTube channel (The Different Girl)

Stay beautiful, stay you, and I love you!!!

The Different Girl, staying the same, XOXO

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