20 things you can do with Vaseline

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The title explains it all. I have for you 20 hacks that you can do with Vaseline. The one supply you need today, is Vaseline. And they last a REALLY long time.

1. If you have chapped lips, Vaseline is great for you. Especially in the winter.

2. It's great for clear mascara! Applying Vaseline on your eyelashes will make your lashes longer and hell them grow.

3. For dry skin, Vaseline works great.

4. Also for itchy skin. I can work too.

5. Believe it or not, if you get a small cut, Vaseline can soothe the redness.

6. Can't put your earring in? Put a little Vaseline in your earlobe and the earring should got right in.

7. For any non-food stuck caps (especially nail polish bottle caps) you can put Vaseline around the line of the cap and it should come off with ease.

8. If you have the messiest eye brows, you can use Vaseline as an eye brow gel.

9. Do you have a cold and your nose is red from blowing it so much? Apply Vaseline under your nose to make the redness go away.

10. Vaseline can be used as a moisturizer. Don't worry, it doesn't clog your pores. Plus it's a really cheap moisturizer.

11. Rub Vaseline on your cuticles to keep them healthy.

12. To help eliminate split ends, rub some Vaseline on the ends of your hair.

13. You can use it to remove fake eyelash glue.

14. To ground flyaways take a tiny bit of Vaseline to keep them in place.

15. For a DIY scrub mix Vaseline with sea salt.

16. For a DIY flavored lip balm mix Vaseline with Kool aid mix.

17. Vaseline can be used as an eyeshadow primer

18. You can condition your scalp using Vaseline.

19. Believe it or not Vaseline makes a really good shoe shiner.

20. Do you know when you get nail polish all over your skin when you paint your nails. I have a solution! Before painting your nails, apply Vaseline to any areas of your skin you DON'T want nail polish on. When you're done, wipe away the Vaseline off your skin and the extra nail polish will be wiped away with it. Ta Da!

Those are my hacks using Vaseline. Vaseline is cheap, found basically everywhere, and has so many uses. Comment down below if you use any of these tricks.

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