How to make a fishtail braid

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Hola! Today I am going to teach you how to make a fishtail braid. This is one of my favorite braids because it is so cute an easy to do. Hope you love it!

All you need to have is a hair tie or rubber band and your hair.


1. Take a part of your hair and slip that part into 2 sections. Section A and B.

2. Take a back piece of your hair in section A and cross it over to section B. Place the hair in the front part of section B.

3. Take a back piece of your hair in section B and cross it over to section A. Place the hair in the front part of section A.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 over until you get to the bottom of your hair. Make sure you always take pieces from the back of your hair and place them in the front of your hair. Tighten the braid every once and a while if you want the braid to be very neat. Don't tighten it if you want a loose, messy braid.

5. Place a band at the end of your braid after you're done and enjoy your fishtail braid!

If you want to learn more about the fishtail braid or you didn't understand, below are se YouTube links for fishtail braids you can check out.





That's the fishtail braid! I hope you like it. It is my favorite braid. Btw the first YouTube link is the video that showed me how to make this braid. So I recommend the first one especially. AQ? I can answer them. -TDG

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