2016 favorites

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Hey guys!! I did this chapter last year and I though I should do it this year!! This is basically a list of all of my favorites that I am was obsessed with this year and comment down below if you can relate to any of these favorites.


1. Snapchat
2. Instagram
3. Twitter
4. YouTube
5. Wattpad

Youtubers: (in no particular order)

1. (Just got into them recently and I can't stop watching their videos) danisnotonfire and amazingphil
2. (Again just got into this one) Markiplier
3. Daily Bumps
4. Ballinger Family
5. Psychosoprano
6. The Gabbie Show
7. Marissa Rachel
8. Zoella
9. WolfieRaps and Sylvia Gani (two different YouTube channels btw. They go together because they are dating)
10. Liza Koshy
11. Rclbeauty101
12. Our Teeny Family
13. Brooklyn and Bailey
14. LaurDIY
And much more!

Products: (I know this is weird but I want to talk about them)

1. My iPhone 6s (I upgraded from a flip phone to this so I was very happy this year)
2. The turnboard- its for dancers to help them turn better. I got it for Christmas and I am using like crazy.
3. My HP laptop- I use it for school and it works amazingly.
4. My Polaroid camera- took a lot of pictures and saved a lot of memories with this
5. Slippers/fuzzy socks-they are life so yeah
6. The Nudes palette by Mabelline New York- I love the three palettes and I use them every day (they are the Nudes, the Blushed Nudes, and the Rocked Nudes)
7. Light up make up mirror- I couldn't live without this so I had to mention it
8. My new razor- it shaves you legs dry without hurting you and I've never shaved my legs in the shower since I got this.


1. Bath and Body Works fall collections
2. Bath and Body Works pink peony (hand sanitizer)
3. A chocolate and vanilla candle (yes I am super basic but I loved these so much)

1. Allegiant (from Divergent series)
2. The 5th Wave
3. Moana (I really like kid movies. Don't judge me)
4. Finding Dory (again please do not judge)
5. Lights Out

Memories: (more personal but I love you guys so here you go)

1. When I graduated 8th grade
2. When I started high school
3. When I got a twitter for TDG (finally!)
4. When my favorite YouTuber followed me back on twitter (Marissa Rachel)
5. When I got to sing on stage for the first time in this musical theater summer program called stages (always wanted to join but never got to until now)
6. Finishing the 8th grade diaries (maybe I will post more on that idk)
7. Achieving what I truly wanted to this year (getting high grades, improving my dancing, and boring stuff because again I'm basic 😂)
8. Going to M&Ms world for the first time (as well as Rockefeller center)
9. Going to a waterpark with my 8th grade class (before graduation obviously)

A lot of people think that this year was terrible. In my opinion, for me this wasn't a bad year,I can even say that this was a pretty good year for me. I know a lot happened in the world to see you good and bad but that shouldn't always affect you as a person. I chewed what I wanted to achieve this year and it was a better year then it was last year for me at least. I want you all know that whatever you're feeling good or bad it will always get better and eventually you will be happy and I hope that you're happy right now no matter what has happened in the past. Right now I can say that I'm decently happy and I hope for the best next year as I do all of you.

My year was pretty good and I'm glad I can say that happily. I wish the best for you, your family and friends. Happy new year! Goodbye 2016, hello 2017. Remember to be happy and...

Stay beautiful, stay you, and I love you!

The Different Girl, staying the same XOXO

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