Health tips

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I'm being honest, I'm not the healthiest person in the world. To be even more honest, I don't have a sweet tooth. I have sweet teeth. All my teeth crave sweets. It is very hard to be healthy. So here's tips that I try to do help help yourself be healthy.

💪 Will power is the key. I'm being honest, will power is what I need. So thou need to try and believe in yourself to achieve your goals.

💪If you have a lot of dinner, have no desert. If you want dessert, eat less dinner and don't go for seconds. This is a very good way for losing weight.

💪Exercise is something EVERYONE needs. Even if you're really healthy. Everyone should get at least 3 hours of exercise per week. I take dance during the school year for 2 hours on Saturdays and on Mondays, I have Gym in school for almost an hour. plus in the summer, I swim basically everyday.

💪Junk food might be tasty, but is bad for you. Try not to eat more than one snack per day. If you don't, it will make you unhealthy. You can also try healthier snacks like fruits.

💪Going to gyms is a great idea. Don't go everyday. For adults, they can go every other day. Kids shouldn't do gyms. Teenagers can, but only should 3 days per week.

💪Weight losing programs do work. But to be honest, they just give you food that makes you lose weight. If you have a lot of will power and use a program, you're wasting money. Just stop eating less then you normally do. You can do it!

💪Inspiration is another important part. If you tell your parents or friends you're going to start losing weight, they will totally support you. Other people losing weight with you helps inspire you to try.

💪Listening to music while exercising will motivate you. It makes you want to do your best and it does work.

💪The Rocky movies also can motivate you. If you don't know those movies, look them up. They might be old, but they will touch your heart and inspire you.

💪Staying hydrated while exercising is one of the most important things to do. If you aren't hydrated, you might over heat and possibly faint. Please stay hydrated at all times, especially while you exercise.

These are great health tips to try. I should actually try them all. Doing these things will never hurt. All it takes is faith in yourself, trusting yourself, and pixie dust. AQ? I'm always open. -TDG

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