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Hello my peoples! Today I am going to talk about goals. We always make them and we try to keep them as best as possible. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But I am going to teach you tricks on goals that will change your life.

1. Make an agenda for every day. I have one in my mind so I remember it all the time. You can right it down so that you know what to do for the day. It's a great way to be organized.

2. Make a weekly goal. Like studying harder in math or finishing a level in your game. Or finishing your school project. Or watching two YouTube videos or something that can't be accomplished in one whole day. That's much easier than waiting.

3. Every time you go somewhere, you should figure out something you must do while your there. Focus on that one thing until it's done. That way, you'll never forget what you need to do.

4. You know New Year's Resolution? Well how about keeping at least one of them. Try your best and that can be your goal for the year.

5. Having trouble keeping track of your time? Set timers for when you have to leave. And if you can't keep track of your school schedule, take a picture of your schedule as your lock screen. That way you can catch check your phone for the time and schedule.

Those are some easy way to make and keep your goals. Comment below if they helped you! Love you!

Goal of the day: 5 votes (try to keep this goal!)

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