DIY mistletoe

446 24 1

Are you having trouble getting your boyfriend to kiss you?? I'm totally joking. You probably want a cute winter decoration. So here you go. (If you do have a boyfriend this might help, for real this time)


~Fake green leaves (Make sure their evergreen green and about three leaves)

~Fake berries

~A bow


~Hot glue gun


1. Hot glue all the leaves together from the top. The bottom shouldn't be hot glued!!! 

2. Hot glue the berries on the top. Then wrap a bow around the whole thing.

3. Hot glue the end of your string. The best place to glue it is between the inside of the bow. Then make a loop and hot glue the other end of the string in the same place as before.

4. Wait for the glue to dry and hang it up.

This looks amazing anywhere. If you get real looking leaves and berries, this will look so real. I hope you enjoy it. Comment below for any more Christmas DIYs.

Love you! xoxo

Goal of the day: 10 votes (you can do it!!)

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