Fall fails

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This is something I wanted to do for a while because I have never done it. If you like it, comment below and I will totally do more.

Carving a pumpkin

Yeah! I got a pumpkin! I always wanted to carve a pumpkin.

So you print out a hard template like a spider.

You attempt to draw the spider onto the pumpkin.

This doesn't look good. You know what, maybe I just need to carve it out and it will look so much better!

Then you find the terrible truth. You were wrong.

Then still being confident in yourself, you post a picture of your pumpkin on Instagram. Then someone comments if a kid carved the pumpkin.

Then you say you little sister carved it.

Getting dressed for fall

Finally! Leggings! Boots! Fall clothes!

Then you put on the warmest outfit you can think of.

You walk outside and check your phone. Your phone says it's 85 degrees outside.


You don't know if you are going solo or with your squad. So you have a back-up solo costume.

I'll be a black cat. All I need is black ears and...

Because no one told you about going as a group or going to a Halloween party, you're going solo, handing out treats to kids and staying at home.

The day before Halloween your friend texts you....

Girl, I completely forgot to tell you that the squad is going as minions. Hurry up and buy a costume. Matt's party starts at 6.

The first thought is Matt's having a party? The second thought is How am I suppose to get a costume in time?

Making pumpkin pie

You look up a pinterest recipe and start making the pie.

After you're done it looks so good and you can't wait to dig in. You're very superstitious so you let your brother try you're pie.

He still hasn't forgave you yet.


This looks so good!! Yum!!!!

You have two pieces and that's all you should have each day.

Later in the day, you're starving.

One more won't hurt...or even two more...

Four hours later.....

My tummy hurts!!!

"You ate all your candy?!?!? Halloween was only yesterday!" Your mom says.

Setting the table for Thanksgiving

I'm in charge of the table this year so it's going to look it's best!

First is the table cloth. It is very old and it has pumpkins and cornucopias on it. You place it on the table, making sure that the ends of it are even on each side.

Then comes the plates and napkins, perfectly folding the napkins into boats and placing them exactly place them an inch from the plate.

Your give each person a soup spoon, two forks, and a knife hand wrapped by yours truly in brown ribbon.

Then you slide the place mats under the plates and making sure that the plate is exactly in the middle. Of course you can't forget about the cups that are two inches away from the plate.

For the decor you take a beautiful bouquet of mums that you picked this morning at the grocery store and put them in a vase that matches the table cloth. For a little extra kick to it you sprinkle fake leaves on the table.

When everyone comes they admire your beautifully done table. Then when it's time to eat, the little kids already spilled juice everywhere.

Those are my fall fails. They made me laugh so hard, I couldn't contain myself. Have a happy fall!

Goal of the day: 6 votes

TDG in and out

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