Life hacks (AGAIN AGAIN)

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Guess what today is? IT'S THE DAY YOU GET LIFE HACKS. Who doesn't like life hacks? I hope these hacks help you a lot.

❤ If you don't like something and it's in great condition, sell it. Someone will buy it.

❤ You know that thing that opens the top of the cola cola can? Flip it around and put your straw in it. The straw will never pop back out again.

❤ Apply lip balm and wait about a minute. Then apply lipstick or lipgloss and the lipstick or lipgloss will last a little longer.

❤ Put ice on a pimple. It will shrink it, keep it from swelling, and soothe the redness.

❤ Put a bread clip (the things that hold the packaging in the loafs of bread) on the end of the tape so that you will never lose the place in your tape.

❤ You can also use a bread clip to fix your broken flip flop. You know when the end of the flip flop pops out from the bottom? Put a bread clip to secure it and it won't bother you anymore. (I know it's winter but who cares? now you know.)

❤ If you have an itch and you don't want to scratch it, move that body part around so that it will keep you distracted from the itching.

❤ Put your batteries in the fridge. That way when you use them, they will last much longer.

❤ If you don't know what to get someone as a birthday preset or something, trick them by early on in the month, asking them to tell you their wish list. Then you could buy something off of that.

❤ If you stall on doing your homework or studying, sing a song as you work. If you aren't finished by the end of your song, do another piece of homework. Do you get it?

❤ You can tell if a person is lying by their movement and eye contact. The movement of their hands means that they are talking formally to you and telling the truth. No movement means their lying. Also if they can't look at you straight in the eye, they are also lying. Btw this only works sometimes. Some liars can move and look straight at you and lie to your face.

❤ Did you know that you are suppose to let a tic tac go on the empty holder on the other side of the flap? That's how your really suppose to get a tic tac.

❤ Forgot someone's birthday? Forgot to get a present? Have they ever told you that they liked a top you were wearing or a room decor you had? We'll if it is worth around the same as your budget for gifts than give it to them. They would love and know you were listening. That shows good friendship.

❤ Never pump mascara. That let's air come and dry the mascara faster. Swirl it around so that you get more mascara and don't dry it out.

❤ Use an index card to cut out the straightest triangle ever. Then hold it to your face and put on your eyeliner. The perfect winged look.

❤ You know how they say to put some red makeup under your eye so that you don't have bags? Well, IT DOESN'T WORK!!!! To really get rid of bags, open you eyes wide so your bags go away for a second. Then put on concealer on your bags. Then keep them open for a few seconds. Then blend your concealer and stop opening your eyes wide. It should get rid of them a little bit or make them less noticeable.

Those are my life hacks. I hope you enjoy them and use them wisely. You can use these life hacks in your day to day life. Love you!

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