Back to school survival guide!!

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Hey guys!! Today I am going to give you my back to school survival guide! No madder if you are going into 1st grade or senior year in college, this chapter will help you all.  I'm going to give you all of the knowledge I know about surviving the school year. I truly hope this chapter helps you and I hope you have the best upcoming school year.

First, confidence

You cannot start off the year with low self esteem and keeping your head down. I understand starting school is hard and stressful. However, you have to walk into school feeling like you own the school. Otherwise, you'll never be able to believe in yourself. And believing in yourself is how you get everything done.

Try getting organized

Starting the school year being super messy and unorganized isn't good. With all the extra stress school puts on you, you shouldn't have to worry about not being able to find a notebook or your homework. Start the school year off organized so that there's not only less stress put on you at the beginning of the year, but so you can also focus on working hard this school year.

Say bye bye to procrastination

Procrastination is something that's everyone is guilty of at some point or another. At least attempting to not procrastinate as much on homework, studying or starting projects is a good start. It really helps your stress level go down and gives you more free time in the end.

Find your own way of studying

Studying is so important. Even if you didn't pay any attention in class you can always make it up by studying your butt of on a test. Make sure you know how much time you need to study to retain information and use this time wisely. I promise it will all be worth it in the end when you get your grades back, report cards come in, and your GPA goes up.

Ultimate tips on getting ready in the morning:

• Have at least 1 hour in between of when you wake up in the morning and when you have to leave and try not to over sleep even though it's really hard. You need time to get ready.

• Cut the time doing your hair in half but putting it in a ponytail and curling or straightening your hair. Cute hair in a shorter amount of time.

• The earlier you put your alarm on, the earlier you wake up. Even if you keep muting your alarm if you want to wake up at 6 put your alarm at 5:30 you'll spend 30 minutes hitting the snooze button and you'll eventually be awake enough to get up.

• Rushing to do your makeup and mess up? Do your makeup last. Like do your hair first, get dressed, put on your shoes, back your bags, everything and lastly do your makeup so you can take your time with your makeup and then immediately leave.

• No madder if you have a uniform or you pick your own outfit, choose that the night BEFORE. It will save you soooo much time.

• Need one more way to have a little more time? Ask your parents or if you can drive yourself to get something out or breakfast like a bagel or a donut. That way your can spend more time at home.

• Bad hair day? Putting your hair in a bunch and a giant hair tie around the bun will solve this. That's because most of your hair will be covered by the hair tie.

• If you are really late every morning, try laying everything and I MEAN EVERYTHING out for yourself for the next day. Your clothes, your makeup, your toothbrush, even make your breakfast the night before and that should save you some time.

Organization tips:

• Color code every subject as the same color so that way your can grab the books you need and go.

• In your locker separate your classes before and after lunch, then separate the books you do and don't need to take home. It will make everything much easier.

• If you can, try separating your pens from he rest of your school supplies so that you can easily get one out if you need to, since you use a pen more than anything else.

• Use sticky notes as bookmarks for your textbooks. No more taking forever to find the page the teacher wants you to open up to.

• Keeping a planner really does help. Writing down your homework and tests WILL HELP you remember what you have to do later.


Follow these instructions/tips:

1.  Stay positive. Being negative about a new school year will turn it into a negative school year. Being positive always helps.

2. If anyone is bullying you or being disrespectful, please tell an adult you trust or a friend (don't I sound like so anti-bullying posters at school?) but it is important because the more you ignore it the more it will become a thing. Defend yourself. You are great and someone shouldn't make you feel bad about yourself.

3. Don't give up. Work hard and great things will happen. The bad comes back to you, but so does the good.

And most importantly........ BE YOURSELF. You are amazing just the way you are and even if you feel like your world is crashing down someone will come and help you and you don't have to change yourself for others. Being different is great.

Thank you so much for reading!!! I hope this chapter helps you a lot and inspires you to do great things. I BELIEVE IN ALL OF YOU. And of course I wish each and everyone one of you the best upcoming school year. I know you all will do great. Vote if you liked this chapter and comment what grade you are going into (I'm going into 10th grade btw) Follow me on twitter (DifferentGirl_2) and subscribe to my YouTube channel (The Different Girl)

Stay beautiful, stay you, and I love you!!!

The Different Girl, staying the same, XOXO

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