Chapter 28: Intense

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Aurora's POV

After calling mom and dad, we all went to the dinning table and sat down to eat. Apparently corn is really common in Mewni which makes me miss Earth. While we were all eating until lights suddenly switched off then on over and over again. We all stared at them with suspicion

Woah is that normal?

I said pointing at the lights

No, I don't think so?

She said worriedly looking at grandma while the lights finally stopped turning off and on.

What was that about?

I don't know, the only time something weird happened like that is when Toffee messed with the fritz

Don't you think it could be-

As mom was about to end her sentence the lights turned off and did not turn back on...then suddenly an arm was wrapped around my waist pulling me out of my seat while a hand covered my mouth unabling me to call for help...then the next thing I know I cannot breathe causing me to faint, echoeing the last voice I could hear...


Star's POV

I could'nt see anything the lights would'nt turn back on. Then suddenly I heard a chair move slightly...


Are you ok sweety?

The lights turned back on and Aurora was no where to be seen. I started to panic..

Aurora! Marco where is she?

Don't worry Star we'll find her, maybe she got scared

Looking for her?

A woman said with a british accent, then I turn around seeing Eclipsa and Toffee holding Aurora while she's unconscious


Tears slowly formed in my eyes

Let her go!

Marco said running towards them about to karate chop Toffee while Eclipsa blast him making him hit the wall from the other side.


I said running towards him crying while mom tranformed to her butterfly self and tried to blast them with her powers, but sadly Eclipsa was able to stop it by blasting it aswell.

Queen Moon's POV
Star ran to Marco who was flung across the room by Eclipsa. I transformed into my butterfly self and blasted them but failed.

Give us Aurora back!

Not until I have the wand back

You already have your freedom why do you want the wand?

You did'nt free me I let myself out of the crytal and now I need somthing in return and what better thing to ask than the royal magic wand, it was mine first.


Author's Note:
Sorry for the cliffhanger and the change of POVs but this story is getting intense. Be sure to be always updated and as always keep readin'.

XOX TripleV234 or Francine(if you're curious of my real name)

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